AB-1913 Creates California Center for Climate Change Education


    On Saturday, April 22, West LA College hosted an Earth Day opening ceremony featuring Assembly Member Isaac Bryan. The event celebrated the passage of Assembly Bill 1913, authored by Assembly Member Bryan, establishing the California Center for Climate Change Education in the LA Community College District, which will be located at West LA College here in Culver City. The bill provides five million dollars from the State of California General Fund for the development of the Center.

    Assembly Member Bryan acknowledges in AB 1913 that “climate change is an immediate threat to the United States’ national security, public health, national economy, and the legacy we will leave to our children”. That’s why the establishment of the new center will promote climate change education and expand internships and other work-based learning opportunities for students to study the effects of climate change on society; even allowing Culver City high school students the option to attend and graduate high school with an Associate’s Degree in Climate Change. The new Center will be required to provide a summary report evaluating its accomplishments by January 1, 2027.