49.8 F
Culver City
Saturday, January 18, 2025


Revised November 28, 2021


The name of this club shall be the Culver City Democratic Club.


The purpose of this club shall be to promote the interests of the Democratic Party; to advance the political and educational interest of the community; to foster the active participation of constituents in politics toward the end of electing Democratic candidates to all public offices; and to achieve the principles and carry out the policies of the local, state, and national organizations of the Democratic Party.


  • Section 1. All members of this club shall be registered Democrats at least 18 years of age, or pre-registered Democrats at least 16 years of age.
  • Section 2. A member in good standing is any member who a) has affirmatively applied for membership, b) has paid annual dues or had them waived for economic hardship, c) has met any other requirements to be eligible as a voting member.
  • Section 3. Only members in good standing as of May 1, who are duly registered as a member of the Democratic Party of California, will be included in the roster submitted for purposes of participation in the California Democratic Party endorsement process.
  • Section 4. The Executive Board may establish more than one category of membership in the Club based on dues rates or other criteria as determined by the Executive Board.


  • Section 1. The Club shall meet at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Board subject to the approval of the membership. Written notice shall be mailed to the membership at least five days in advance of the meeting.
  • Section 2. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month. Such meetings shall be Special Club meetings may be called by the President. Special meetings must be called by the President upon receipt of a written request by a) two or more elected officers; or b) ten members of the club. Such meeting shall be called within two weeks from the date of receipt of written request and notice shall be given as provided in Article IV, Section 1.


  • Section 1. The elected officers of the Culver City Democratic Club shall consist of the following: a. President b. First Vice President c. Second Vice President d. Corresponding Secretary e. Recording Secretary f. Treasurer g. Membership Secretary
  • Section 2. Offices may be shared by no more than two members upon the approval of the membership at the time of the election of the officers.


  • Section 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club. Subject to the approval of the Executive Board, the President shall have the authority to create committees to carry out the purposes of the Club and to appoint members in good standing to serve as members of such committees. The President shall be responsible for the functioning of all such committees and shall perform other duties as the Club shall prescribe. In his or her official capacity, the President shall act as spokesperson for the Club in all matters pertaining to the Club and shall be responsible for the functioning of all committees.
  • Section 2. The First Vice President shall act to assist the President in carrying out his or her duties, and shall preside in the absence of the President at any general meetings. The First Vice President shall further preside at all Executive Board meetings.
  • Section 3. The Second Vice President shall act to assist the President and the First Vice President in carrying out their duties. The Second Vice President shall be the Chairperson of the Ways and Means Committee.
  • Section 4. The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for sending out all Club correspondence. Under the direction of the President, the Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for receiving and answering all communications addressed to the Club
  • Section 5. The Recording Secretary shall take minutes of meetings (all, general, board, etc. should be specified for clarity) of the Club and maintain a file of such meetings.
  • Section 6. The Membership Secretary shall maintain the names, addresses and record of dues payment of each member of the Club. The Membership Secretary shall notify members of dues obligation and delinquencies and shall report to the President members who do maintain good standing.
  • Section 7. The Treasurer shall prepare a yearly budget (the budget) for the Club. The budget is to be presented to the membership at the December meeting. The members will vote to approve a budget at the January general membership meeting concurrent with the election of officers. The budget shall list all expected sources of revenue, cash on hand, and estimated monthly expenses for the calendar year. The Treasurer may pay all bills relating to the expenses of the Club as set forth in the approved budget. The Executive Board may authorize changes in the budget on a monthly basis, within the following guidelines:
 Budgeted monthly expenses may be reallocated, provided the aggregate sum of all monthly expenses for the calendar year does not exceed the membership approved budget. Except as noted above, all expenditures not covered by the budget must be approved by the general membership. However if the President and three officers agree that an emergency exists, additional funds may be expended at any time. Such action must be presented to the membership at the next general meeting. All checks must be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the President or a Vice President for checks over $300. In case of the absence of the Treasurer for any reason the signing of the checks will fall to the First Vice-President with a co-signature of the President or Second Vice-President, until the Treasurer has returned, or a new Treasurer is elected.


  • Section 1. The elective officers of the Club together with the immediate past President, the chairpersons of all active standing committees, and the chairpersons of all Ad Hoc committees shall constitute the Executive Board.
  • Section 2. The Executive Board shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Club, between its regular membership meetings, for routine functions including, but not limited to, planning of regular Club meetings, publishing of the newsletter and expenditures of Club funds not to exceed $600,  Other Board actions shall be subject to the approval by the membership at the next regular meeting
  • Section 3. Actions taken by the Executive Board on behalf of the Club shall be approved by a majority of the Board members present at Board meetings, as noted in Section 1.


  • The Committees of this Club shall consist of those created by the President as the need arises, subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Board. In addition, standing committees shall consist of the following:
  1. Ways and Means
  2. Newsletter
  3. Community / Legislative Issues
  4. Political / Elections Committee
  5. Financial Review Committee The Financial Review Committee shall review the books of account of the club at least annually year and at any time when the incumbent Treasurer shall leave office, and furthermore, shall submit a report of each review to the Executive Board. The President shall appoint the members of all committees, subject to the approval of a majority of the Executive Board.


  • Section 1. Any Change in dues may be approved by the membership at a general membership meeting.. The amount of said dues shall be determined by vote in accordance with procedures set forth in Article XI of these bylaws.
  • Section 2. All dues are payable as of January 1 of each year. Dues for new members joining the club after November 1 of each year shall be considered paid up for the following calendar year.


  • Section 1. To be eligible to vote for the election of Club officers in January, a continuing member (a member who was in good standing in the preceding membership period) must have been a member in good standing for at least 25 calendar days prior to the election meeting and must have paid the dues for the current membership period prior to the vote at the election meeting.
  • Section 2. To be eligible to vote in all other balloting, a continuing member (a member who was in good standing in the preceding membership period) must be paid up and in good standing prior to the vote at a regular meeting in which an election of officers, an endorsement of candidates, an amendment to the Club’s Constitution or any other action requiring a membership vote takes place.
  • Section 3. To be eligible to vote for the election of Club officers in January and in all other balloting, a new member (a person who was not a member in good standing in the preceding membership period) must be paid up and in good standing at least 25 calendar days prior to the regular meeting in which an election of officers, an endorsement of candidates, an amendment to the Club’s Constitution or any other action requiring a membership vote takes place.
  • Section 4. Final determination of voter eligibility shall be the responsibility of the Membership Secretary or, if the Membership Secretary is unavailable, the presiding officer at said meeting.


  • Section 1. The presiding officer shall review all voting procedures and issues with the membership present prior to the vote taken.
  • Section 2. No action requiring a vote by the membership may be taken without a quorum of the membership present at the meeting, as provided in Article XII.
  • Section 3. Voting for Club officers shall be by secret ballot unless waived by unanimous consent of the eligible voters present. Voting for endorsement of political candidates or ballot propositions shall be by secret ballot unless waived by 2/3 of the eligible voters present.
  • Section 4. All votes taken shall be by simple majority of members present and eligible to vote except as set forth:
    • a) Endorsements of candidates shall require a 60% vote of those members present and eligible to vote and returning ballots.
    • b) Amendments to the Club’s By-Laws require a 2/3 vote of those members present and eligible to vote.
  • Section 5. Revocation of any vote taken by the membership shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the latest revision of Robert’s rules of order.
  • Section 6. If a first ballot does not result in an endorsement for all open seats, a second ballot shall be conducted.
  • Section 7. Representatives to the California Democratic Party (CDP) Pre-endorsement Conferences shall be selected at a duly noticed meeting of the Club, affirmed by a majority vote of the members in good standing in attendance and voting.


  • Section 1. A quorum to do business at any general membership meeting shall be at least 15 members paid up and in good standing.
  • A quorum to do business at the Executive Board Meetings shall be a majority of the total number of executive board members paid up and in good standing.
  • Section 2. No action requiring a vote by the membership may be taken without a quorum of the paid membership present at the meeting.
  • Section 3. The use of proxies is not permitted.
  • Section 4. An Executive Board meeting must have a majority of members present to have a quorum to conduct a meeting.


  • Section 1. The officers shall be elected at the January meeting of each year and shall take office for a period of one year beginning with the general meeting in February. Said officer shall be formally installed at the installation meeting called at the discretion of the retiring Executive Board.
  • Section 2. At the November meeting, a nominating committee of five shall be selected. Two are to be selected by the President and three are to be chosen from the floor by the general membership. The nominating committee shall report a slate of candidates. Notices of the election meeting together with the nominating committee’s slate shall be published in the Club’s newsletter prior to the election meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor at the election meeting, with the written or verbal consent of the nominee. All such nominations from the floor may be accompanied by a nominating speech not to exceed two minutes and a seconding speech not to exceed one minute.
  • Section 3. Nominees for President, Vice Presidents and Treasurer must have been members in good standing at least one year prior to nomination. Nominees for other offices must be members in good standing.
  • Section 4. Voter eligibility and voting procedures pursuant to Article X and XI will apply.


  • Section 1. An elective office shall be declared to be vacant by the Executive Board if an elected officer fails to attend four consecutive regular meetings of the Executive Board and general meetings combined unless such absence(s) is excused by the Executive Board.
  • Section 2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the First Vice President shall succeed to the office of President.
  • Section 3. If a vacancy shall occur in any of the offices as noted in Article V, except that of the President, more than one month prior to the date of the annual election, such vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the membership present and eligible to vote at the next regular meeting. Written notice of such action shall be sent to the membership at least five days prior to the meeting.


  • Section 1. The Club may endorse only registered Democratic candidates for any public offices, local, state, and national.
  • Section 2. A procedure for endorsement shall be established by the Executive Board prior to the endorsing meeting.
  • Section 3. At the endorsing meeting, all sections of Article X and XI providing for voter eligibility and procedure shall apply.


The Culver City Democratic Club seeks to initially employ the principles of Restorative Justice in handling grievances. Prior to processing a complaint, the Grievance Committee shall, if it determines the matter to be amenable to these principles, make attempts to bring the parties together in a safe space to address situations face-to-face in order to repair harm, promote healing and learning, and build community. If such efforts are determined to be inappropriate to the situation presented, or if such efforts are unsuccessful, the Grievance Procedures described below shall be undertaken. The timelines described below shall be tolled until engagement in the Restorative Justice Process is concluded or determined to be inappropriate or unsuccessful.

  • Section 1. Grievance Committee:

a. A Grievance Committee consisting of 5 members, appointed by the Club President (subject to the approval of the Executive Board) shall be appointed within twenty-eight (28) days of the adoption of this procedure and thereafter 28 days after the election of This Club’s officers at the January meeting of each year. Any position not so appointed shall be elected by the membership at its next regularly scheduled meeting for which due notice can be given.

b. No members of the Grievance Committee can be members of the Executive Board. Alternate members will be chosen to serve by lot in the event a regular member of the Grievance Committee is unable to serve or has a conflict of interest.

c. Persons appointed to the Grievance Committee need not be members of this Club, provided they are either members of the Policy Committee of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party or Members of the Executive Board of the California Democratic Party.

d. The Grievance Committee may meet in person, or by telephone or video conference, but may only interview witnesses in person or by video conference.

e. Meetings of the Grievance Committee fall under the “Member Disciplinary and Other Proceedings Involving the Right to Privacy” exception to the “Policy Statement By the Rules Committee of the California Democratic Party on the Open Meeting Rule” and therefore need not be public.

f. The Grievance Committee shall meet and elect its own chair within fourteen (14) days of the appointment of its full membership.

g. Once a member is appointed, in the event a vacancy occurs, it shall be filled within twenty-eight (28) days of the notice of vacancy by the person holding the same position as the original appointor. In the event the vacancy is not so filled, a member shall be elected by the membership at its next regularly scheduled meeting for which due notice can be given.

  • Section 2. Grounds and Jurisdiction: The sole grounds for a member filing a grievance, and the jurisdiction of the Grievance Committee shall be an alleged:

a. Violation of Local, State, or Federal laws or regulations having a direct impact on: 1) This Club, or, 2) the complainant

b. Violation of these bylaws, including the Code of Conduct and/or the Policy Against Harassment and Workplace Violence as set forth by the LA County Democratic Party.

  • Section 3. Standing: A complainant must be a member of This Club, in good standing, and be directly and adversely affected by the actions or conduct of another member of This Club, in order to file a grievance.
  • Section 4. Remedy: If a grievance is found to have merit, it may lead to any of the following: a. Private Admonishment, b. Public Admonishment, c. Suspension of Rights for a time certain not to exceed 60 days, d. Removal from Office, and/or, e. Removal from membership.
  • Section 5. Initiating a Grievance: A grievance may be initiated by filing a timely Written Statement with the Corresponding Secretary of This Club (or President, if the Secretary is the accused) and the Chair of the Grievance Committee:

a. Setting forth, with specificity, the text of the Code of Conduct, Policy Against Harassment and Workplace Violence, regulation, and/or law alleged to have been violated,

b. A statement of facts supporting the allegation, and,

c. The requested remedy.

  • Section 6. Initial Determinations and Actions:

a. Within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Written Statement, the Grievance Committee shall make an initial determination, based solely upon the Written Statement, subject to change after rebuttal evidence is received, of standing, jurisdiction, and actionable allegations.

b. If it is initially determined that standing, jurisdiction, and actionable allegations are present, the Chair of the Grievance Committee shall contact the accused within seven (7) days of the determination and advise as to the allegation(s), without disclosure of the identity of the complainant, and make an offer of the remedy requested by the complainant.

c. If rejected by the accused, the Grievance Committee shall provide the accused with a copy of the complaint, and the identity of the complainant, and request a written response, after instructing the accused not to contact the complainant, during the duration of this process.

d. If, in the determination of the Grievance Committee, the accusation involves a potential violation of criminal law, the complainant shall be advised to contact the appropriate Law Enforcement Agency. This process will continue parallel to any Law Enforcement action at the discretion of the Grievance Committee. e. The Grievance Committee may, by a two-thirds vote, also make an initial determination, based upon the Written Statement, that the situation warrants temporarily suspending the membership rights of the accused, pending further action.

  • Section 7. Confidentiality: The identity of all persons involved in the process, and all information regarding the allegation(s), shall be treated with confidentiality, and protected to the extent possible and will, except as otherwise specified herein.
  • Section 8. Hearings:

a. Hearings are not required for the issuance of Admonishments, or Suspensions of Rights, but must be held if the remedy sought is removal from office, and/or removal from membership in This Club.

b. Despite the above, after review of the Written Response, any two (2) members of the Grievance Committee may determine that a hearing shall be held, regardless of the remedy sought.

c. The determination of whether or not to hold a hearing shall be made within seven (7) days of receipt of the Written Response.

d. If a hearing is determined to be required due to the remedy sought, or by four members of the Grievance Committee, it shall be held within fourteen (14) days of that determination.

  • Section 9. Orders:

a. Orders of the Grievance Committee shall be made within fourteen (14) days of the determination that no Hearing is required, or, fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of any Hearing.

b. The Grievance Committee may, by majority vote, issue any admonishment, temporary suspension of rights, or dismissal of the Complaint.

c. The Grievance Committee may, by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote, concurred in by a majority vote of the Executive Board, remove an accused from office, and/or membership in This Club.

d. If the matter did not proceed to hearing, the Grievance Committee may only impose a remedy equal to, or lesser than, the remedy sought by the complainant.

e. If the matter proceeded to hearing, the Grievance Committee may impose any remedy set forth herein.

f. At any stage of this process the Grievance Committee may issue an Order Extending Time.

g. If no remedy is imposed within fourteen (14) days of the determination that no Hearing is required, or, fourteen (14) days of the conclusion of any Hearing, the complaint shall be deemed dismissed, unless time has been extended.

h. All Orders shall be sent to the accused by first class mail, and, if an email is on file with This Club, by email.

i. A written decision shall be rendered at the conclusion of the Process, setting forth the allegations made, facts determined, and remedy imposed, if any, and shall be sent to the complainant, and the member who is the subject of the Written Statement.

j. Proof of the date and manner of delivery of any notices required under this Article shall be maintained.

  • Section 10. Appeals:

a. The accused may, within fourteen (14) days of the mailing of the Order(s), appeal any Suspension of Rights, or Removal from office or membership, to the Executive Board, which shall hear the matter at its next regularly scheduled meeting for which due notice can be given.

b. Admonishments and Dismissals of Complaints are not subject to appeal.


  • Section 1. The President may appoint a Bylaws Committee to review and revise the Club’s Bylaws.
  • Section 2. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted to the Executive Board for further recommendations, and intent to amend shall be published in the Club’s newsletter.
  • Section 3. The Bylaws shall be subject to amendment by a 2/3 vote of the members of the club present and eligible to vote at any regular or special meeting of said Club.


The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by- laws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt. –