2015 Executive Board Elections Report


At the Jan. 14 General Meeting, the membership held elections for the 2015 CCDC Executive Board. The following members were elected:

President – Sylvia Moore
Second Vice President – Amy Cherness
Treasurer – Eric Fine
Membership – Diane Rosenberg
Recording Secretary – Pat Levinson

Re: First Vice President and Correspondence Secretary elections –

There were two members who presented themselves as candidates for the position of First Vice President. Khin Khin Gyi was nominated by the Nominating Committee. Current Correspondence Secretary Stephen Murray was nominated from the floor. There was a brief discussion about having a co-vice presidency, but no action on this was taken.

Next, both Khin Khin Gyi and Stephen Murray gave one-minute statements to the body. A secret vote was held, with 31 ballots cast and 8 ballots invalid. Khin Khin Gyi received 12 votes and Stephen Murray received 11 votes. However, since about 40% of the ballots were invalid, and the vote was very close, the membership, by voice vote, decided to invalidate the election and hold another vote for First Vice President at the start of CCDC’s General Meeting on Feb. 11.

So for now, the position of First Vice President will remain vacant until the next General Meeting. The election for 2015 Correspondence Secretary will also be held in February, and for now, Stephen Murray will continue in this position. Both candidates for First Vice President will submit written statements in the February newsletter. Per CCDC bylaws, the Nominating Chair at the February General Meeting will also ask for nominations from the floor for First Vice President and Correspondence Secretary. The candidates will again give one-minute statements to the body, after which, a secret vote will be held.