May 2015 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years
General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda
Wednesday, May 13, 2015 CORRECTED MINUTES

Call to Order 7:19 by Sylvia Moore, President.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Bill Wynn.

Approval of April 8, 2015 Minutes: Sylvia thanked Khin Khin for filling in for Pat by doing the Minutes for last month’s meeting. Motion by Neil Rubenstein to accept the April minutes, Seconded by Tonya A..

Announcements: The meeting is sponsored by Bill Wynn in honor of Pat’s and Bill Wynn’s Birthday. Tom Camarella announced his birthday was the previous day.

Introduction by Bill Wynn of Jamon Allgood, journalist

Sylvia made a report on Mayor’s Luncheon to honor Meghan Sahli-Wells. Bill Wynn also commented that it was the first year that the Club had a table at the event.

Sylvia discussed the Newsletter and asked for comments: Greg recently invited members to accept the Newsletter to have people get Newsletter delivered by email vs the snail mail. Sylvia reports it costs $1200/year. Some people requested they need to receive a hard copy, others felt that email only is sufficient. A suggestion was made to put the option on the application.

Officer Reports

Finance (Eric Fine) not present, no report

Membership (Diane Rosenberg) 110 members- Henna Lee is special guest

Fundraising (Amy Cherness) Introduced Ronnie Jayne who spoke about her play which is having a fundraiser for the Club this Sunday. The most amazing play of the century! Loopholes- A pain in the IRS. Ronnie Jayne is the Composer, Musical Director and co-lyricist. At Hudson theater. $30 tickets.

Outreach (Sylvia Moore) trying to get the MOE application together to move forward on contacting Democrats for membership.

Correspondence- Stephen asked Club members to do more endorsements and resolutions so he could send out more letters.

Legislative and resolutions (Nyabingi Kuti)-

Nyabingi brought forth a resolution calling for the release of county incarceration diversion funds and moving focus from mass incarceration to providing services related to homelessness, poverty, mental health and unemployment. Discussion followed. The intent was supported but rewording was suggested.

Stephen Murray suggetsed endorsement of AB356 (Williams) that would help protect groundwater threatened by underground injection wells. Tom motioned that the Executive Committee should decide on behalf of the club for AB356, seconded by Michelle.

Tom Camarella recommended that resolutions need to printed out. Khin Khin and Michelle suggested a power-point slide.

Programs: Maya Douglas, Assemblymember Sebastian Ridley-Thomas was scheduled to speak but there was a scheduling error and Maya Douglas, Senior field representative for the Assemblymember spoke before the club about the offices accomplishments.

The Honorable Sebastian Ridley-Thomas has introduced 26 bills on floor, is on the Banking and Finance committee, Health Committee and chair of the Elections and Redistricting Committee, He is also chair of the select Committees on Mental and Behavioral Health, member of Committee on Civic Engagement, the Select Committee on Infectious Diseases in High Risk Disadvantaged Communities and the Select Committee on Regional Transportation and Interconnectivity Solutions

Maya listed a couple bills that may be interest to club members.

AB 1299: Medical assistance for foster youth. Transfers the responsibility for providing mental health services from the county of original jurisdiction to the residence county. This occurs when foster children are transferred or moved to other counties, the bill seeks to insure that counties of residences will be reimbursed and delays barriers to care.

AB466: Bill would repeal the sunset date of the Baldwin Hills Conservancy so they can do their work indefinitely. This would help to maintain funding for projects from federal and others.

AB755: Bill to provide tax relief to business along the Crenshaw corridor. To help alleviate issues that are adjacent to the construction of rail lines.

The member is a big proponent of diversity in the workplace. His office has sponsored two events to celebrate women in business: African American empowerment of Women in Business, Latinas Breaking Barriers event. Tomorrow is another event- Women in Finance. Another event next Thursday Senior Scam Stopper whose purpose is to equip the community with tools and techniques to empower themselves to stop fraud.

Maya personally deals with Women’s health and mental health issues. She left her business card and invites contact and then opened for questions

1.) Questions ranged from long term unemployment, the tax relief of AB755, BHC appointment delays, taxes, document requests, City storm water funds,

2.) A number of questions were asked on the members position on various Bills. Maya deferred answering and suggested calling the capital office for information about the members positions and further details. Encouraged sign up on website to be informed about all events, bills on the floor and other news of the district.

  1. Candidates running for CDP Region 14 Director

Channing Hawkins

Spoke about need to “Unite the region.” Emphasized the need of the person in position to combine us and hold the Democrats we elected accountable. Will empower the grass roots activists with tools.

Miguel Martinez-

Spoke about needing to “Connect the activist.” Will help coordinate information coming down to make sure the State is working for us. Pledges to keep us continuously connected.


Executive Board meeting is Saturday, 10 am at Pat Levinson’s house on June 27.

Next General Meeting CC Police Chief Scott Bixby will be the featured speaker.

By-laws committee needs to meet and membership will vote on updated By-Laws in June.

Michelle is organizing a field trip to an edible garden. The last Sunday of month on the 31st. Email to carpool.

Tom announced how good this Club is.

Motion to adjourn meeting by Darryl Cherness, seconded by Ronnie Jayne. Meeting adjourned at 9:19pm

Respectfully submitted, Stephen Murray, Correspondence Secretary