July 2015 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 63 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

  1. Call to Order at 7:03 p.m. by Sylvia Moore, President.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Herb Rosenberg.
  3. Approval of June 10, 2015 Minutes. Moved to approve by Margaret Lindgren, Sy Levine seconded. Approved.
  4. Announcements: Recap of 4th of July picnic at Carlson Park. 50-60 people. Visited by Diane Watson. Cameron Onumah from Dianne Feinstein’s office is a guest today. Carlene Brown announced a house party hosted by Michelle Weiner in coordination with MoveOn.org on Sunday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m. Contact her at: Michmobile2011@gmail.com Carlene has information about Bernie Sanders’ campaign. Khin Khin reported the CAP (Community Action Panel) meeting reporting the ground results. Scott McBarish announcing the “15 for 15” campaign and looking for community partners; also the Project Labor Agreement with the CCUSD. Scott is Co-founder of United Parents of Culver City and they interested in Education Reform. Scott@forgreatschools.org. Fiesta La Ballona was reported by Tom Camarella and he put out a call for volunteers to sit at the booth for a couple of hours on one or two days. The Fiesta La Ballona booth is active Saturday and Sunday, August 29-30, 2015 at the Vet’s Park. Sylvia announced, “Healthcare not Jails” in LA sponsored by many organizations on July 11 2-5pm at the Village at Ed Gould Plaza. Sylvia announced that she is the newly appointed So. Cal Director for Common Cause. Action to stop the oil trains will be held Saturday at 12 noon at Union Station. More information: Michmobile2011@gmail.com.
  5. Meeting Sponsorships – $50 to sponsor a meeting if you wish to honor someone. See Sylvia.
  6. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of June 30, 2015 are $4,510.24. We have one election this year, but 3 elections next year. We still owe Greg Valtierra for creating the Newsletter.
  2. Membership (Diane Rosenberg) 115 paid members. www.CulverCityDemocraticClub.com/RENEW. New promotions for new members: buy a membership and get a free DVD. Membership eligibility reminder for September CC School Board endorsement forum. Summer memberships begin at $45 for this and next year. Guests Cameron Onumah and Thomas Small.
  3. Fundraising (Amy Cherness) – Raffle, prizes were described. We will be getting Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton buttons and T-shirts to sell at the Fiesta booth. Tickets $5 for 6 tickets or $1 for 1. Working on the Hamburger Mary Drag Queen Bingo event.
  4. Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – Facebook, Meet-up.com; Fan page.
  5. Correspondence (Stephen Murray) No report
  6. Legislation (Nyabingi Kuti) No report. Sylvia presented the Peacebuilding Resolution and Pat read the first page. A printed resolution was NOT available. Margaret Lindgren moved to accept the Peacebuilding Resolution by Congresswoman Barbara Lee. No second. Joel moved that the Executive Board vote on the matter, Tom Camarella seconded it. Motion passed. Resolution goes to the Executive Board. Tom Camarella reported on the passage of the NY Fracking ban. California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have legislation pending.
  1. Program –C. Tom Williams, Ph.D. speaking on “Fracking and Beyond” followed by audience Q & A. SB 4: A bill that was passed and signed by Gov. Brown 3 years ago. 30 years with Parsons of Pasadena, worked on an oil rig, environmental work, Sierra Club, Coalition for Save Community, etc. Dr. Tom spoke about the world’s largest surface oil field right here in Baldwin Hills. In 1960, oil derricks were replaced with directional drilling. No more vertical wells anymore. The Inglewood Field goes down to 3000 feet. Culver City is included in this field. Concern about earthquakes because of structural traps. High risks for fracking that effects the environment – yet EPA says “no evidence.” AQMD only required a notice when wells were stimulated. Division of Oil Gas and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) was formed. Now well simulation is being regulated as a result of Fran Pavley SB 4. Water boards have to review groundwater and ponds at the expense of the oil industry. Air Board monitor emissions and ponds. The drought has impacted injection.

Drills are now able to go10,000 feet under the surface in any direction. SCAQMD gave out a lot of information about drilling. Leaking oil and gas in buildings in Carson-Carousel district – toxic, odors, and cancers. If you smell an odor coming from wells, you can complain to AQMD. If you are within 1500 feet of a well that is fracking, you have a case. Complaints occurred at USC-University, W. Adams, Jefferson/Budlong, Pico/Genesee, Beverly Center/San Vicente, Cheviot Hills, Beverly Hills, Playa del Rey, and Sawtelle/NW405. Other cities are being concerned with the risks v. benefits. Culver City had a moratorium on fracking. Waiting to develop a specific plan. Who’s benefitting from oil and gas production? Stay on top of the ground. CC need to prohibit, restrict, permit or limit temporary heavy industrial equipment (pumps that frack.) Fracking is not production. Fracking breaks up the rocks so it can produce easier extraction. We have codes to reduce public exposure to risks. Q & A followed.

  1. Announcements
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, July 19 at the home of Herb & Diane Rosenberg at 3 p.m.
  2. Fiesta La Ballona – There will be a booth on Saturday and Sunday, August 29 & 30. Please join us for the Friday afternoon CCDC gathering at the Wine Booth on August 28. See Tom for sign-ups.
  3. Next General Meeting is Wednesday, August 12, 2015.
  4. Charlotte spoke about how informative Chief Bixby was and the incident that occurred to her at the Ralph’s. She had a visit from CCPD to discuss her matter. Chief Bixby wrote a note of thanks for her input.

IX. Meeting adjourned in memory of former Del. Attorney General Beau Biden and the victims of the massacre at the Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. Moved by Eric Fine, seconded by Darryl. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary