President’s Message by Khin Khin Gyi, October 2016


FullSizeRenderAt last month’s General Meeting of the Culver City Democratic Club (CCDC) on September 14th we were fortunate to have a presentation of the four ballot measures by our two Culver City Council members, Meghan Sahli- Wells and Thomas Small. We will be voting on them on November 8th, so here’s the low down.

First, was the Clean Water Parcel Tax, known as Measure CW that will levy $99 per single family residential parcel tax, $ 69 annually per multi-family residential dwelling unit or $1,096 annually per acre of land or portion for non-residential land. This means that both residential and commercial lands will be taxed to reduce and help prevent water pollution in Ballona Creek. Culver City has 4% responsibility of the water shed that drains into Marina del Rey Harbor, Santa Monica Bay and eventually, the Pacific Ocean. Measure CW is expected to generate $ 2 million per year, if approved and would make its first appearance on the tax statements in the fall of 2017. Our club members cast a total of 24 votes to make a recommendation to vote Yes and it passed the 60% threshold of 16 votes.

City Measure CA dealt with the appointment, disciplining and termination of the Police and Fire Chief. Before 2006, the City operated with all department heads reporting to the City Council who also hired and fired them. After 2006, the City hired a professional City Manager who has been in charge of all department heads except for the City Attorney, Police and Fire Chief. Those on the Council who support Measure CA contend that it would be more appropriate for the City Manager to supervise the Fire and Police Chiefs, since the manager works full time and is familiar with the day to day business of those departments. On the contrary, those on the Council who oppose this measure contend that retaining that power in the hands of the Council had helped deal with problematic chiefs in the past. Also, our Council members reside in our community and reflect our values and as such would represent our views better. Our club members cast a total of 20 vote to recommend Vote No with 2 abstentions. Hence the Club recommends vote No this ballot measure.

City Measure CB dealt with the resignation of a Council member such that they would have to wait two years before running for the Council again. Our club members cast 23 “yes” votes with no “nay” votes or abstentions. The Club recommends vote Yes.

City Measure CD would make it flexible not to have meeting during the holidays. Our club members cast 24 “yay” votes with one abstention. This measure was endorsed so the Club recommends vote Yes on this measure.