It’s Election Time!


Fellow Democrats,

This month’s message will be short and to the point.

Election time is here. Our endorsement cards and the mail-in ballots will arrive in the next few days. We are sending cards to every residence in Culver City except for those containing only registered Republicans. 

While there will be a lot of campaign mail coming, our card is special. Every candidate on it was chosen by your votes, and it is funded entirely by your donations. We do not take money from businesses, PACs, or other organizations. It’s all you.

This election we have been the first and so far the only Culver City organization to have organized forums and presented candidates in open meetings.

We are also so far the only one to record and publish these events. We have created over six hours of candidate videos for this election, all freely available on our YouTube page.

You may have seen or heard attacks on me or on this Club. You may have even come across a man claiming to lead a rogue Democratic Club which appears to have no other members and is definitely not affiliated with the actual Democratic Party. These are all attempts to dilute the power of this Club’s endorsements. Culver City has a huge Democratic majority and this Club is its only officially chartered Democratic organization. We have been for 70 years. We are the voice of Culver City Democrats. Our membership is open, our dues are low, and our process is public.

I believe that our endorsement card will stand out because of our history and Karim Sahli’s design talent, but we can also use your help keeping it out of the recycle bin. When your card comes, ask your neighbors if they got theirs. Mention it again when election questions come up. 

We have endorsements in almost every race, including the down-ballot ones which don’t get a lot of press: even the judges. But people don’t need to take our word for it. They can watch our videos and see the candidates for themselves, often fielding unexpected tough questions in an intimate group.

I’ve already gotten dozens of slick campaign mailers this year, created by consultants and paid for by PACs. We made our own and paid for it ourselves. It’s as real as it gets.

Thank you for supporting this Club with your money, talent, and attention. Now it’s time to get out the vote!