What is ADEMs and why should you care?


“If you don’t like what the party is doing, you need to get more involved in the
party.”—Tom Camarella

ADEMs—What is it?

“Assembly District Election Meetings.” If you are a registered Democrat, you have the opportunity to elect the seven self-identified females and seven other people who will represent your assembly district at the California Democratic Party (CDP) convention. But first you must register to get a Party vote-by-mail ballot (highly recommended) or to vote in person.

Why it matters

Endorsement Votes—ADEMs delegates (ADEMs) will vote on the CDP’s endorsements for partisan legislative and statewide offices in California on the 2024 ballot. We will have a US Senate race on that ballot, and there is widespread speculation that it will be an open seat. With the endorsement comes a serious amount of money. As our Club recently learned to its grief, money matters.

Networking—Delegates have a wonderful opportunity to network with others statewide who share our Club’s values. Our Club members who are delegates can bring home the benefits of that networking.

Platform Votes—In even-numbered years ADEMs vote on the CDP Platform.

Election of CADEM Regional Directors—The ADEMs vote on the Regional Director who functions as liaison between the CDP, the LACDP, and Clubs like us.

Executive Board—One ADEMs from each Assembly District will serve on the CDP Executive Board. E-board members vote on issues of fundamental importance to Party operations such as bylaws changes and what funding sources the Party accepts.

Shall the Party accept contributions from the fossil fuel industry, from law enforcement interests, from the for-profit healthcare industry?

When you vote for ADEMs, you are helping to choose one of the decision makers.

ADEMs matter.

To learn more go to https://www.adem.cadem.org/