June 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

  1. I.       Call to Order at 7:01 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. II.     Pledge of Allegiance – led by Rick Tuttle
  3. III.   Approval of Minutes: for April 10, 2013. Darryl Cherness moved to approve, Rick Tuttle seconded, motion passed; for May 8, 2013.  Darryl moved to approve, Rick seconded; motion passed.
  4. IV.   Announcements:  Meeting in memory of Medgar Evers’ assassination in Mississippi. Petition regarding Edison rate increase.  If you wish to sign the protest, you may sign the petition but you must live in CC; Congrats to Darryl Cherness for his appointment to the CC Civil Service Commission, Sylvia Moore has been selected as Democrat of the Year from the 54th Assembly District; the LACDP at the 6/11/13meeting passed resolutions that:  affirmed continued support of CEQA, supported closing loopholes on corporations, supported a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, supported shelter and services for veterans and cited gerrymandering in violation of civil rights; The CCDC will hold its 4th of July picnic at Lindberg Park from 11 am to 3 pm in the picnic area (club supplies liquids, watermelon, charcoal, plates, service ware, etc.), bring items to share; Robert Zirgulis announced that he will be running for CC School Board and announced a Sat. June 15 kick-off and yard sale at his house; Lee Sanders shared some articles that he brought and had available at the back table and spoke of a screening of “Dirty Wars.”
  5. V.     Guests and New Members: 118 Members.  New member Andrew Lachman. Guests included: Ron Herbert; Jane Brockman, Susan Heitman, Lisa Li, Shannon Biggs, Paul Ferrazzi, Bertrand Perdomo Ucles, Daryl Gale, Felicia Bander.
  6. VI.      Program: Community Rights to Health and Safety.  Speakers included Stephen Murray, Shannon Biggs and Paul Ferrazzi. Following a power point presentation, including a picture of his garden, Stephen discussed what is “rights,” what is “natural v. legal,” when corporations get rights, they strike down democratically created laws meant to protect people and communities; state and federal pre-emption; Shannon spoke about “community concerns v. the regulatory structure;” regulations are created in cooperation with corporations, therefore, they create regulations that favor themselves; Stephen shared that regulatory agencies are historically underfunded and the “box of allowed activism” which demonstrates the legal constraints;” Paul shared regulatory failures (PXP and the AQMD) citing Bhopal, India; Stephen cited how corporations have strengthened their rights within the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th 7th and 14th Amendments; how the “Commerce Clause routinely nullifies local democratic laws that protect communities and natural systems from harm;” Stephen then switched gears to share how we “own our rights” as exampled by suffragists, abolitionists, civil rights, etc.  He suggested, as a Step One, we create a “Community Bill of Rights.” This could include the: Rights to Clean Water, a Healthy Environment, Natural Communities, Right to local self-governance; Step Two would be to nullify the legal constraints: state and federal pre-emption.  Have created a Community Bill of Rights for Culver City that needs “YOU.”  Presentation was followed with Questions and Answers.

VII. Officer Reports

  1. A.     Fundraising (Sylvia):  Copies of the DVD, “War on Whistleblowers,” will be part of the raffle.
  2. B.     Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of May31, 2013 is:  $5,410.93. Three months advance rent on the Vets’ Rotunda Room was not included in this total.
  3. C.      Membership:  118 members.
  4. D.     Correspondence (Lee W.) The CADEM resolutions are available to membership on the sign-in table.
  5. VIII.         Announcements:
    1. Next meeting, Wednesday, July 10 will be the “War on Whistle Blowers,” by Robert Greenwald.
    2. Next CCDC Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 29, 9 am at Ronnie & Tom’s home.


Move to adjourn by Eric Fine, seconded by Dave. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary