April 2014 Minutes, General Meeting



Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:20 pm by President Lee Sanders
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Roger Maxwell.
  3. Approval of March 12, 2014 Minutes – by acclamation.
  4. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of March 31, 2014 are: $ 2,071.01.
  2. Membership (Diane) – 130 paid for 2014. New member rejoining Sherman Neusom. You can now pay your dues online: ActBlue.org/CCDCmembership
  3. Fundraising (David) – Bill Maher night still has 6 tickets available for Friday, April 11, 2014. Join us! Raffle items include 2 Beanie Babies (as one) and two Easter baskets.
  4. Correspondence (Stephen) – Working on two pieces of legislation for anti-fracking (Mitchell) and GMO (Evans). Please note the information is in the newsletter for the legislation pending: SB 1053 Health Care Coverage (Mitchell), AB 2273 (Ridley-Thomas) election reimbursement and AB 2275 (Ridley-Thomas) ability to apply online for marriage and other licenses. The “yea” vote from the Club would authorize Stephen Murray to write supporting letters to the authors of those bills. Motion withdrawn. As many newsletters haven’t been received, a Club member suggested that we receive more information before the Club considers endorsement. Therefore, Stephen will put more information on the website.

Report on the Culver City Council election: Of the endorsed candidates, 800 notices were sent by email and over 200 readers clicked on the links to review what the Club endorsed. Lee Sanders read an open letter from Jim B. Clarke. Christopher Patrick King spoke to the Club and expressed his thanks for the Club’s support. Voting results: Cooper: 2167, Clarke: 2072, King: 1181, Abrams: 288 – provisional ballots had been counted at this reporting. 55% of the votes were ”votes by mail.” Voter turnout was low.

  1. Program
  1. Endorsement by LACDP on 4-8-14. Endorsements by LACDP include: Karen Bass (CD 37), Holly Mitchell (SD26), Sebastian Ridley-Thomas (AD54), Jerry Brown (Gov.), Gavin Newsom (Lt. Gov.), Kamala Harris (Atty Gen.), John Chiang (Treas.), Dave Jones (Ins. Comm.), Tom Torlakson (Supt. Of Pub. Instruct.), Jerome Horton (Bd of Equalization), Jeffrey Prang (Assessor) and Sheila Kuehl (Bd. Of Sup). Candidates for LA Superior Court Judge:

Jacqueline H. Lewis – no debate – Office #61

Andrew M. Stein – no debate – Office #87

Emma Castro – no debate – Office #107

Pamela Matsumoto – no debate – Office #22

Debra Losnick – candidate for Judge, Edelman court, endorsed by Judge Nash, – Office # 54

Helen Kim for Office #76

Voted not to endorse Sheriff’s office.

Endorsement of Culver City School Bond CC.

Propositions 41 and 42 endorsed.

B. CCUSD School Bond Measure CC: CCUSD School Board Members: President Kathy Paspalis, Steve Levin; Supt. David LaRose, and Ass’t Supt. Mike Reynolds. Board Member Vice President Nancy Goldberg was in the “house,” but due to flu, stayed away from the mic. Discussion of the School Bond – a facilities master plan – that will be on the forthcoming ballot. Supt. LaRose spoke about the bond, the process, and the education of our children. He repeated the phrase: Success for All Takes US All. .”A short media presentation followed Supt. LaRose’s introduction hosted by Ass’t Supt. Reynolds. Discussion lead by Kathy Paspalis followed from questions on 3 x 5 cards from the audience. Handouts from the District were available.

This bond requires 55% passage. Move to vote by a show of hands by Greg Valtierra, seconded by Eric Fine. Approved by voice vote. Stephen Murray, George Laase and John Derevlany spoke to other points of view about the School Bond. Hand vote: Yes on CC: 22, No: 1, Neutral: 6. Therefore, CCDC endorses CC. Greg moves to endorse all in Primary A, Seconded by Ronnie Jayne: Vote of 15 yeas, 3 against. Call for the Quorum. Question to postpone the vote. Greg moved that we endorse the other county offices (judges), second by Darryl. Amendment by Ronnie to endorse Steven Klaif separately. Motion passed. 22 ayes. No one against. Ronnie moved to endorse Steven Klaif, seconded by Darryl: 18 ayes, no noes. Darryl Cherness moved to endorse, Judy seconded. Motion passed 20 to nothing. Judy Alter moved to endorse Derek Cressman, Tom seconded. 15 in favor, no noes, 3 abstentions. Tom moved, Judy seconded to endorse Betty Yee for Controller. 18 yeas, no noes, 2 abstentions.

  1. Announcements:
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the Jayne-Camarella home at 9 a.m.
  2. Thank you, Greg Valtierra, for creating the paper ballots.

Motion to adjourn moved by Darryl, seconded by David. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary