Deadlines for Commission applications


Be appointed to one of Culver City’s Commissions, Committees, or Boards and make a difference in your community!

The application deadline for Culver City Commission, Committee, and Board appointments is 5:00PM next Tuesday, April 29, 2014. (Late applications may not be accepted.)

 Openings are available on the Civil Service Commission(1), Cultural Affairs Commission(2), Parks,Recreation and Community Services Commission(1), Planning Commission(1),Committee on Homelessness (5), Disability Advisory Committee (3), Fiesta la Ballona Committee (3), Landlord-Tenant Mediation Board (1 Landlord, 2 Tenant, 2 Member at Large), Los Angeles Airport Area Advisory Committee (3), West Los Angeles Vector Control Board (1), and Finance Advisory Committee (2).

Appointments for these openings are tentatively scheduled to be considered by the City Council on Monday, May 12, 2014.

New appointees will be required to attend a Brown Act /AB1234 (Ethics) training, at a date and time to be determined.

Additional information and applications are available in person during business hours from the City Clerk’s Office, located on the first floor at City Hall (9770 Culver Boulevard) or may be requested by phoning (310) 253-5851. Applications can also be obtained on the City’s website by clicking here.  Business hours are 7:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. City Hall is closed on alternate Fridays.

Applications will be accepted in person, by mail, by fax to 310.253.6010, or electronically via email to