April 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

  1. I.      Call to Order at 7:02 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. II.   Pledge of Allegiance – led by Kay.

III. Approval of Minutes for March 13, 2013.  Moved by Margaret L., seconded by Nancy G. Approved as written.

IV. Guests and New Members: 108 Members.  Many guests this evening. Diane was present and has recently recovered from knee surgery.

  1. V.    President’s Report
  2. VI.    Program: Sylvia introduced the “Health Care Movie” with a presentation by Dr. Bill Honigman and Dr. King Riley, from Physicians for a National Health Program.  The movie was narrated by Kiefer Sutherland. Discussion followed led by Dr. Honigman. John Conyers offered HR 676 that everyone will have Medicare.  Due to time limitation and the late hour, Bill recommended we invite Dr. Bill back to the Club.
  3. VII.  Officer/Committee Reports
    1. Fundraising (Sylvia) Raffle for art.  Art work donated by Dave & Nicky Bregman distributed.
    2. Membership (Diane) – 108 current members paid dues for 2013.
  4. VIII.      Announcements:
    1. Karlo Silbiger – he invited all to his fundraiser, May 3, “Heart of Darkness” at the Actors’ Gang Theatre.
    2. B.    Suzanne DeBenedettis – Sunday, Democracy School, April 21st. 4- 7 pm at Vets.

Efforts to ban fracking – make Culver City safe.  Info@makeccsafe.com

  1. Lee Sanders offered articles regarding health care available throughout the Rotunda Room.
  2.  Next meeting, Wednesday, May 8. Topic is the Banking Crisis, with Mark Quann speaking.

Move to adjourn by Dave, seconded by Darryl. Meeting adjourned at 9:07: pm

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary