August 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

  1. I.       Call to Order at 7:03 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  1. II.     Pledge of Allegiance – led by Roger Maxwell.
  1. III.        Approval of July 10, 2013 Minutes: moved to approve by Nancy Goldberg, Margaret Lindgren seconded, motion passed.
  1. IV.   Announcements:  This meeting was dedicated in honor of Diane Rosenberg’s 70th Birthday (in September) also to Trayvon Martin, may he Rest In Peace, and the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, Aug. 28, 1963. Herb Rosenberg asked for a moment of silence for member Dave Bregman, who passed away recently.

Thanks, too, for our new refreshment team:  David Bromberg and Bertrand R. Perdomo-Ucles!

  1. V.     Guests and New Members: 1 Members.  Guests include: Robin Scott, Al Saayedra, Jared Morgan from Congressperson Bass’ office, Randy Arizmendiz, Lynette Bigelow, Emelian Sahli, Roger Ddungy, Robert Smith, Charles Stewart and Chris Armenta, former Mayor of Culver City.
  1. VI.      Program: 26th State Senate District Candidates Forum and Endorsement Vote.  Assemblymember Holly Mitchell was unable to attend as the Speaker called her back to Sacramento. Meghan Sahli-Wells spoke for Assemblymember Holly Mitchell. Mervin Evans participated. Bill mentioned that there were 40 State Senators in the CA Senate. Panel presentation format, questions from the floor, comments from the floor, followed by a vote. Results:  36 ballots of which 35 were valid. Holly Mitchell received 32 votes, Mervin Evans received 3 votes.  An endorsement requires 60% of the vote or in this case 21 votes; therefore, Holly Mitchell was endorsed by the CCDC.
  1. VII.    Officer Reports
    1. A.     Fundraising (Sylvia):  2 copies of the DVD, “War on Whistleblowers,” were included in the raffle and an art piece from Dave Bregman. Sylvia brought the cutout of Mrs. Obama (not a raffle item!)
    2. B.          Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of July 31, 2013 is:  $5,388.07.
    3. C.      Membership:   Since there were so many new members, a count will be given next month.
    4. D.     Correspondence (Tom Camarella for Lee W.)  The CCDC sends out a postcard endorsing the candidates for elections.  This and next year will be many elections incurring many costs.  The election for State Senate is a Special Election.  The winning candidate will fill in Curren Price Jr.’s turn and then another election will be held again in 2014.
  1. VIII.    Announcements:

A.  CCDC booth at the Fiesta La Ballona, Aug. 24 and 25. Join us Friday, Aug.23 for Happy Hour at 6 p.m. at the Beer and Wine Garden.  Come have your photo with President and Mrs. Obama!

  1. Next meeting, Wednesday, September 11, 2013.  The topic will be:  Culver City School Board Elections including a panel of candidates (declared Democrats despite the non-partisan election). 
  2. Next CCDC Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 17, 9 am at the Camarella-Jayne home.
  3. Special Election for 26th State Senate election, Tuesday, Sept. 17th               VOTE!
  4. Meet and Greet at Robert Zirgulis’ house, from 9 – 3, Sat. Aug. 17, 4241 Baldwin Ave, CC, includes a yard sale.

Move to adjourn by Eric Fine, seconded by Darryl Cherness. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary