August 2014 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years
General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Call to Order at 7:09 by Sylvia Moore, acting Club President.
Pledge of Allegiance – led by Darryl Cherness.

  • Lee Sanders has submitted his resignation as Club President; Sylvia has been appointed by the E-Board as acting President;
  • 2nd VP David Bromberg will be leaving in September.
  • Amy Cherness has offered to take an interim position of acting 2nd VP.
  • A plaque was created for Lee Sanders in honor of his service to the Club and progressive causes. It will be given to him later this week. (It was given at this meeting since he was able to attend.)
  • Darryl wanted to acknowledge that Bill Wynn stepped up to pay our rent last month when we were short of funds.

Approval of July 9, 2014 Minutes – Moved by Darryl Cherness, seconded by Ronnie Jayne. Approved.
Officer Reports

  • Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of July 31, 2014 are: $416.18. Meeting sponsorships are encouraged ($50). Ronnie gave an update on her investigation of the returned check from last year. The $300 deposit was completed. We do not have funds for a slate mailer (postcard) for the November elections. Reminder to renew dues.
  • Membership (Diane Rosenberg) – 149 members paid for 2014. Online: Guests include:
  • Fundraising (David Bromberg) –A bingo event has been scheduled at Hamburger Mary’s – Legendary bingo, Wednesday, August 27, 2014. 7 p.m. We have a confirmed star, Mimi Kennedy, who will call numbers. $20.00. We have amazing bingo prizes! Grand prize is one night and breakfast at the Doubletree in Culver City. There are two raffle prizes for tonight’s meeting. $37 was made on the raffle. $6 was made on rent donations
  • Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – Sylvia has put the “drag queen” bingo on our media sites (Facebook).
  • Correspondence & Legislation: (Stephen Murray) – Stephen mentioned that he is running for the West Basin Water District. CA Supreme Court ruled against putting Proposition 49 on the ballot. Ted Lieu believes that it will go on the ballot in 2016. Michelle Sutter began a petition to put it on the ballot in 2016.

Program: Rusty Hicks, Political Director of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor

  • The Federation of Labor is an organization of over 300 local unions representing over 600,000 working men and women in key industries across Los Angeles. While directing many political and legislative victories, Rusting also served as the 2008 CA Political Director for the campaign of President Obama.
    Rusty holds the rank of Lieutenant in the US Naval Reserve, serving as an Intelligence Officer. He has served in Afghanistan with Special Forces. He is a graduate of Austin College, Loyola Law School and is a SoCal Coro Fellow. He resides in Pasadena with is family. Rusty spoke of the ways of getting folks into the electoral process: collective bargaining (everyone should have a decent wage, health care and retirement), organizing (trying to bring new workers into the labor movement) such as truck driver’s at the Port of Los Angeles, car wash workers, hotel workers; and political activity (providing the unified activity for LA County). We also have a process to endorse elected officials. It takes a collective effort, of unions, progressives, and Democratic clubs to make a difference. Q & A followed. Rusty went through the state propositions. Federation of Labor: Yes on 45, neutral on 46 and Yes on 47.

Fiesta La Ballona (Ronnie Jayne)

  • Please sign up for either Saturday or Sunday (or both) to “work” at the CCDC booth, Saturday, Aug. 23 and Sunday, Aug. 24. Happy Hour on Friday, Aug. 22. Come take a photo with the first couple, the Obamas! Button sales, DVD sales, voter registration!


  • Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, August 16, 2014 at the Rosenberg’s home at 8:30 a.m.
  • Scott Houston announced that he is a candidate for the West Basin Water District 4.
  • Lee Welinsky suggested we talk about CCUSD and diversity.
    Mamie Clayton Museum is having a fundraiser, collecting gently used items: clothing, shoes, small items. They are open 10 – 4 and will accept donations: 4130 Overland Ave., CC.
  • Khin Khin reported that the Citizens Coalition for a Safe Community is showing “Triple Divide” at 4464 Sepulveda Bl. On Monday Aug. 25, 7-9 p.m.. Show is about fracking.
  • Stephen reported that people are reading our Facebook page. He reiterated that he is running for West Basin Water District 4.
  • Bill Wynn reported that City Council member Jeff Cooper’s father passed away. Also, Rick Hudson of CC Parks and Recs passed away recently.
  • Could local car washes that are union be posted in the CCDC newsletter?
  • Mid term elections are coming up. Brandon encouraged us to involve all Democrats to vote.
  • Sylvia reported that two celebrities, who were strong Democrats have passed recently: Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall.

Motion to adjourn this meeting in honor of moved by Eric seconded by Darryl. . Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary