At the February 12th general meeting of the Club we held a forum for Culver City Council Candidates. The Democratic Club is proud to announce its endorsement for two candidates for the Culver City City Council race on April 8, 2014. The two winners were Christopher Patrick “CPK” King and Jim Clarke. These candidates exemplified true compassion for their community, deep understanding of the issues, and will uphold our City’s values if elected. Both candidates were handily endorsed in the first round of voting.
To volunteer for Christopher King’s campaign, go to his web site at
To volunteer for Jim Clarke’s campaign, go to his web site at
Christopher King received the most votes for the endorsement. He is a 9 year resident who serves as the President of the Culver City Rotary Club and Vice-Chair for the Culver City’s Homelessness Committee. He is also a Board Member on the Chamber of Commerce and volunteers as Coach for the Beit T’Shuvah Marathon Team at his temple. He served on Holly J Mitchel’s Small business advisory panel is the only candidate who not only works in Culver City but is also a business owner. He hopes to bring new leadership and new ideas to city council this April. His first priority is a comprehensive economic development plan; by bringing in all the stakeholders and creating specific and measurable goals regarding housing stock and business development. Christopher graduated Magna Cum Laude from UCLA with a double major in Sociology and Political Science. Christopher hopes to bring his passion, energy, and new ideas to Culver City this April 8th.
A long time club member, this is Jim Clarke‘s second time winning the Club’s endorsement. The first was for his Council run two years ago and winning the unexpired term of Scott Malsin. In the past two years Clarke has voted to increase the sales tax, to ban plastic bags, called upon the Governor to ban fracking and supported major improvements in residential parking. Clarke earned a Masters of Public Administration from CSU Long Beach and a Bachelors of Science degree from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT. He spent 23 years as an active and on reserve duty, retiring as a Commander from the Coast Guard. Some of Clarke’s previous credentials include being the Chief of Staff Congress Members Diane E. Watson and Brad Sherman as well as serving as executive director to two non-profit organizations: California Clean Money Campaign and the Southern California chapter of Americans for Democratic Action. Clarke hopes to be awarded a full term this election and continue to “follow through” on his promises.
If you need to find out your polling place, go to