Culver City Democratic Club Minutes of General Meeting Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Meeting called to order at 7:02pm.

Pledge of Allegiance led by Darryl Cherness.

With no objections the meeting is held under Robert’s Rules of Order.

July’s minutes are approved by the Club.

Treasurer’s report:
Ending Balance: $6,051.33.

Membership Secretary’s report: 134 regular members and 14 lifetime members.

Fundraising: Ronnie Jayne Solomon is stepping down as Second Vice President. We are to vote on her replacement.

Ronnie Jayne nominates Jeanna Harris, John Williams seconds. Jeanna Harris is elected Second VP by acclamation.

John Williams moves that we endorse a resolution proposing that the Democratic National Committee agree to a presidential primary debate on the climate crisis. [The resolution is printed on pages 3 and 4 of the September Newsletter.] The resolution was seconded and passed unanimously.

President Pete Rockwell reported that the Executive Board passed a motion to use ranked choice voting when endorsing candidates for the March 2020 election. The proposal is to rank in order of preference your top three candidates. At the September meeting members will have the opportunity to vote on whether to use ranked choice voting for the March election endorsements.

Eric Fine was named Democrat of the year for this assembly district.

Michelle Maya Fernandez announces that she is organizing a kid-based town hall. She’s asking for support from Democratic club chapters to endorse the event, where children will ask presidential candidates their own questions, empowering the younger population. Craig moves that we endorse it. Shannon Theus seconds it. The motion is passed.

Presentation from Vote 16 Culver City: Presented by three high school students who are leaders of the campaign to lower the voting age to 16 for municipal elections in Culver City.

Craig Scott moves that we endorse Vote 16’s proposal. Rick Tuttle seconds. Motion is passed unanimously.

Sharis Rhodes, Candidate for LA county Board of Supervisors District #2, spoke on behalf of her campaign.

The LA Alliance for a new economy asked the Club to endorse a resolution supporting port truckers. The alliance is made up of labor rights groups. They partner with unions, community groups, and Democratic clubs. The Long Beach port is the largest in the western hemisphere. The demographic of the truck drivers is 92 percent Latino. They are illegally classified as independent contractors and denied basic employee rights. They have no healthcare, no benefits, no union, and are made to be responsible for work expenses. Rick Tuttle moves we endorse the resolution, Judy Alter seconds. The resolution is passed unanimously. [The resolution is on the Club website.]

The meeting adjourns at 9pm.