DRAFT Minutes of Culver City Democratic Club


May 8th General Meeting — Veterans Memorial Building Rotunda Room

Meeting called to order 7:03pm.

Eric Fine gives the Treasurer’s Report: Ending Balance $4,466.47.

Diane Rosenberg gives the Membership Secretary’s report:
131 members (including 12 lifetime members).

Corresponding Secretary Cynthia Hart gives an update on the efforts Club members are making to preserve the Mayme Clayton Library & Museum.

Drag Queen Bingo fundraiser Tuesday, June 25th at 7pm at Hamburger Mary’s
 4thof July picnic: on July 4 in Blanco Park

New Business
Darryl moves that Club elect five people as potential delegates for Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Conference in October. The names of those elected must be submitted by July 9th. John Williams seconds. The motion passes.

Minutes of the April General Meeting are approved.

Michael Shenk, from California Clean Money Campaign, speaks in favor of four pieces of legislation currently under consideration in Sacramento: SB 47, AB 1217, AB 1784, and SB 636
Sarah Jakle, from Field Team 6, speaks on registering voters in areas that typically vote Republican.

Meeting adjourns at 9:10pm