January 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veteran’s Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

  1. I.       Call to Order at 7:02 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. II.     Pledge of Allegiance – led by Chief Pedersen. Pres. Wynn asked for a moment of silence for those who lost their lives at Newtown, CT.
  3. III.   Guests and New Members: Guests: CC Chief of Police Don Pedersen, Nyabingi Kuti, Luther Henderson, Patricia Siever (VP of School Board), Daphne Brooks, Nancy Pearlman, Richard Chaskin, Steve Levin, Jamie Wright, James Wright and Lt. Ron IIzuka of CCPD.
  4. IV.   Approval of Minutes for December 12, 2012.  Moved by Greg V., seconded by Darryl Cherness
  5. V.     Election of New Board Members:  Nominating Chair is Ronnie Jayne; Greg Valtierra led and explained the election process.  Moved to accept slate of Board by acclamation by Darryl, seconded by Tom Camarella.  Voice vote:  slate was approved.
  6. VI.   Approval of Final Budget 2013. Presented by Eric Fine. Voice vote approved.

VII. Announcements: of Raffle items (Sylvia); Tom suggested writing a resolution of gun control – committee includes Lee Sanders, Tom and Darryl C.  Lee S. recommends another resolution to encourage reforming the Senate filibuster.

Nyabingi Kuti of the South Los Angeles Reintegration Council (SLARC) proposes a resolution to the Board of Supervisors to provide alternatives to incarceration.  He will present it to the Exec. Board on Sun. Jan. 20 at the Rosenberg home.

  1. VIII.      Program: Discussion:  Darryl Cherness, moderator.  Renewed debate of gun control after the tragedy of Newtown, CT.  54-57% poll of Americans now support tighter gun control Panel discussion:  CC Unified School District & Police Dept; what panel believe can do to control gun violence; Input from audience participation. Panelists:  CCPD Don Pederson and Lt. IIzuka; CC School Board Members:  Patricia Sievers, Nancy Goldberg, Kathy Paspalis and Laura Chardiet. School Board Members: Good security at schools, safety of students is first, daily patrols of schools, SRO is on all sites/campuses, considering cameras in the front offices, lock-down drills, training options for the admin. team; CCPD: police presence on campus before incident at Newtown and continue to have, have good relationship with CCUSD, already have cameras in front offices with connection to the SRO; response of CCPD would be 2 minutes to any emergency.  Part II of panel:  Gun Control:  In Chief Pedersen’s opinion, felt that the forefathers didn’t envision assault weapons and armor piercing weapons in the hands of gang members and other – not a place for that and institute assault weapons ban, for a legislative agenda, certain weapons should not be in the possession of individuals; May share confidentially with the CCPD; Part III:  Questions from the audience:  call for gun control; school security and an audit of best practices; weapons policy in CCUSD has been updated within last year, good relationship with CCPD; CSBA has guidelines issued for safety; CCPD is proactive; immediate issues of protection and to change the culture of violence; identify early warning of children who might offend and anti-bullying training;  utilize volunteer parents to assist in policing; possible screening of gun owners.
  2. IX.      Officer/Committee Reports
    1. Fundraising (Sylvia) – 4 raffle items.  Installation lunch Feb. 24th honoring Holly Mitchell, Sylvia Moore as Member of the Year, raffle items needed; hotel location TBA.  Looking for someone to assist with refreshments.
    2. Membership (Diane) – 76 current members paid dues for 2013.
    3. Correspondence  – letter written and sent to the President and others about the fiscal cliff. Sylvia Moore got the letter sent.
  3. X.               Announcements:

a.  Herb and Diane’s celebrating their 47th Wedding Anniversary on this date!

b.  REMEMBER TO VOTE! Sun. Jan. 13th CA Dem Party 54th AD Delegates election, Vets Garden Room: 12:30-3:45 pm.

  1. Sat. Jan 19th MLK Jr. Celebration, Senior Center, Noon – 6 pm.
  2. Sun. Jan 20th CCDC Exec Bd. Meeting – Diane & Herb Rosenberg’s home, 9 am
  3. MoveOn.org is looking for someone to host a discussion on gun violence.  If interested please contact the Community Committees Against Gun Violence at MoveOn.org.

f.  Kingdom Day Parade on Crenshaw.

  1. XI.             Move to adjourn, moved by Eric, seconded by Sylvia., in honor of Newtown, CT tragedy.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary