January 2014 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:00 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Diane and Herb Rosenberg
  1. Approval ofDecember 11, 2013Minutes: moved to approve by Darryl Cherness, seconded by Tonia Agron; motion passed.
  1. Announcements: Anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s declaration of the “War on Poverty” on January 8, 1964; Diane & Herb Rosenberg’s 48th Wedding Anniversary; State Senator Holly Mitchell’s Swearing-In Ceremony is on Saturday, Jan. 11, 2014 from 12 – 2:00 p.m. – RSVP to jadestevens@lagrant.com or call 323-469-8680 x230; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. celebration in Culver City at the CC Senior Center on Saturday, January 18 from 10:30 am to 4 pm.
  1. President’s Report: Bill briefly discussed that President Obama designated Los Angeles as a “Promise Zone.” Those areas, which have poverty gaps, have been identified. Please listen to his State of the Union Address later in January 2014.
  1. Guests and New Members: Ron Herbert joined the CCDC this evening and received a big welcome; Carolyn Fowler addressed the Club about the county voting systems, there will be a special election for LAUSD School Board, to fill Marguerite LaMotte’s position, made vacant by her death.
  1. Program: Guest Speaker was Damien Goodmon, the Founder and Executive Director of the Crenshaw Subway Coalition. Mr. Goodmon spoke about the challenges of transportation in the Crenshaw district, which is the heart of the African-American business community in Los Angeles. The “Crenshaw to LAX” line is scheduled to be finished in 2019. Mr. Goodmon’s Coalition proposal is to put the Crenshaw line underground for positive economic impact. Discussion and questions from Club members. (Handout distributed.) Suggestion to put this idea into a petition. FYI: Misnomer! This line does NOT go as far as LAX!
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of December 31, 2013 are: $2,117.47. Proposed budget for 2014: $16,421.00. Approved by Acclamation.
  2. Fundraising (Sylvia): You can now pay your dues online: https://secure.actblue.com/page/ccdcmembership. Sylvia conducted a raffle.
  3. Membership (Diane) – 73 for 2014. Bill will continue to work on outreach to get more members, after his tenure has concluded. Rick Tuttle suggested a cut-rate membership rate for the first year to “tease” in new members.
  4. Correspondence (Lee) – no report.
  1. Club Officer Elections – Chair Ronnie Jayne and her team developed the following slate: President: Lee Sanders; 1st Vice-President: Sylvia Moore; 2nd VP: David Bromberg; Membership: Diane Rosenberg; Treasurer: Eric Fine; Recording Secretary: Pat Levinson; Corresponding Secretary: Stephen Murray. Candidates spoke a few minutes about their candidacy. Rick Tuttle offered a motion of a vote by acclamation, seconded by Chris King. Candidates were selected by Acclamation. Installation luncheon to be held near the end of February 2014. Further details to be included in the February General Meeting.
  1. Announcements:
  1. Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 26 at 9 a.m. at the Rosenberg’s home.
  2. Sierra Club has changed their meetings to the second Thursdays at 7 pm./accommodates those Sierra Club/CCDC members.
  3. Christopher Patrick King, who is running for Culver City’s City Council, announced a fundraiser on January 25 at the Bar 9 Collective, located at the Helms complex.
  4. Neil Rubenstein suggested that we announce meetings in concert with CCDC and Sierra Club.
  5. Tor Bailey announced and circulated the petition for the Metro to be changed in the Crenshaw corridor. She is also involved in the Mamie A. Clayton Library and Museum in Culver City, the largest privately owned African American museum and collection. (The Museum is currently hosting a “Hollywood” filming.)
  6. Judy Alter spoke about SB 360, allowing the LA County elections to use untested and uncertified software. Democrats voted for this and the Republicans voted against this at the State level! It is now in the hands of the Secretary of State. There is no oversight to this process.
  7. Robert Zirgulis reported on a bond issue for the school in June. He is concerned about the pool being removed at a greater cost than it is to refurbish it.

Motion to adjourn moved by Eric Fine, seconded by Robert Manley. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary