July 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

  1. I.       Call to Order at 7:03 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  1. II.     Pledge of Allegiance – led by new member, David Bromberg
  1. III.   Approval of June 12, 2013 Minutes: New member, Loren Scott moved to approve, Darryl Cherness seconded, motion passed.
  1. IV.   Announcements:  Meeting held in honor of and dedicated to member Dave Bregman, who passed away, Monday, June 17, 2013. Diane Rosenberg’s favorite cousin, Amy, passed away. Sign-ups for Fiesta La Ballona booth, on Saturday and/or Sunday, August 24-25 (See Ronnie). Robert Zirgulis, a substitute teacher and CC School Board candidate, offered a resolution to refurbish the CC school’s natatorium.
  1. V.     Guests and New Members: 124 Members.  Guests include:  Margot White, Carl Goldblatt, Ron Herbert, Jonathon T. Reid, Bill Kelley, Keith Greenhouse, Leah Ross, Brett C.S. Roberts, Barbara Bozman, Bertrand R. Perdomo-Ucles, and H. Bolden. Assemblymember Holly Mitchell visited the CCDC to announce her candidacy for the 26th Senatorial District. Assemblymember Mitchell is holding “Christmas in July”, on Saturday, July 13 in Kenneth Hahn Park, for low-income working families.  Each family gets a bicycle and an “e-reader.”  Christopher Armenta, former mayor and CC Council member, announced his intent to run for the 54th State Assembly seat if (when) Holly Mitchell wins her Senate seat.
  1. VI.      Program:  The DVD “War on Whistleblowers,” by Robert Greenwald was shown. Presentation was followed with discussion.  Lee Sanders mentioned other films by R. Greenwald.  www.bravenewfoundation.org

Mention was made of Snowden’s situation. Mention of the Monday rallies and the arrests in Raleigh, NC against the Republican governor was noted.  Someone asked, “Is Civil Disobedience passé?”

VII. Officer Reports

  1. A.     Fundraising (Sylvia):  Copies of the DVD, “War on Whistleblowers,” will be part of the raffle.
  2. B.     Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of June 30, 2013 is:  $5,141.47.  
  3. C.      Membership:   124 members.
  4. D.     Correspondence (Lee W.) Our Democratic Club needs to renew our charter despite that we’ve submitted the paperwork.  Apparently we omitted sending the required addresses. Information must be sent online.
  1. VIII.         Announcements:
    1. A.     Darryl Cherness moved that the CCDC support the Zirgulis resolution, which was to find funds to refurbish and keep open the natatorium. Dorothy seconded. Motion passed with one abstention.
    2. B.     Next meeting, Wednesday, August 14, 2013.  The topic will be:  State Senate Special Election, which has been designated for September 17, 2013.
    3. C.      Next CCDC Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, July 27, 9 a.m. at the Rosenberg’s home.
    4. D.     An event to be held on Saturday, July 20, 3-5pm to honor Bill Lucy, head of the sanitation union and Martha Kuhl, a leader in single payer health care. $75.
    5. E.      Jim Clarke mentioned that a reenactment of Harry Culver’s speech from 1913 would be held on July 20 at the California Club, 10-noon, $50/60.  Contact CC Historical Society.  Jim will portray Harry Culver.
    6. F.      Campaign kick-off for Kathy Paspalis, Saturday 13 at 3pm at Mike Cohen’s house. She is running for re-election of CC School Board.
    7. G.     Tonight’s popcorn machine was courtesy of the Senior Center (CCDC paid for popcorn).
    8. H.     Gasland 2 will be shown on Tuesday, July 17 at the AmVets at 7pm.
    9. I.       Bertrand announced Exec. Board meeting will be held on July 19-21 at Costa Mesa.  He’ll make a report at the next meeting.

Move to adjourn in honor of David Bregman, by Eric Fine, seconded by Herb Rosenberg. Meeting adjourned at 9:07pm

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary