Legislative Accomplishments: Keeping Families Whole, Ending Poverty and Supporting Communities


Laws Passed

AB 2716 (2024) Fees on Under Producing Oil Wells—Stops the operation of low-producing wells near communities and directs funds back into the communities that are negatively impacted by the drilling.

AB 1810 (2024) Menstrual Equity for All—Ensures menstrual products are readily available in California prisons.

AB 2906 (2024) Foster Care Justice: Preserving Survivor Benefits for Foster Youth—Protects the survivor benefits owed to foster youth from mishandling by county agencies.

AB 1986 (2024) Accountability & Transparency for Prison Book Bans—Ends the indiscriminate banning of books in California’s prison system.

AB 2684 (2024) Extreme Heat Planning—Requires cities and counties to include extreme heat in their hazard mitigation plans so they are better prepared to protect residents and can qualify for federal funding programs.

AB 3145 (2024) Foster Care Justice: Meaningful Assistance for Parents—Requires that all court-ordered services or courses are evaluated to ensure families are connected to effective, proven resources that support reunifying families.

AB 2664 (2024) Foster Care Justice: Fair Reunification Timelines—Ensures California’s courts provide fair and reasonable timelines for parents to complete court-ordered programming so they can reunite with their children.

AB 3258 (2024) Protect Refinery Workers—Amends safety codes so all refinery workers receive the same level of workplace protections.

AB 2531 (2024) In-Custody Deaths of Youths—Ensures that the death of a youth while in custody of the state is properly reported.

AB 3265 (2024) Environmental Leadership: Media Campus Projects—Streamlines environmentally beneficial construction and renovation projects on film and television media campuses.

AB 3235 (2024) Department of Justice (DOJ) Equitable Certification Act—Expands access to professional certifications for justice-involved Californians.

AB 2046 (2024) Educational Opportunity for All—Protects the operation of single-gender schools that support the representation of women and minorities in the STEM fields until 2035.

AB 2484 (2024) Foster Care Justice: Remote Expert Testimony—Removes a financial and technical barrier to expert testimony so all parties can benefit from this resource.

AB 2215 (2024) Pre-Booking Diversion Programs—Clarifies that police officers can connect individuals in custody with community-based services if that is in the best interest of justice.

AB 60 (2023) Restorative Justice for Victims—Ensures that victims of crime are informed of restorative justice programs that are available to them in their county.

AB 954 (2023) Reduce Barriers to Family Reunification—Ensures that a parent who is following all aspects of their case plan will not be denied family reunification simply because they are too poor to pay for court ordered services.

AB 421 (2023) Direct Democracy Protection—Protects voters by requiring the top funders be listed in the state voter information guide for a referendum measure, requiring clear phrasing of referendum vote choices on ballots, and allowing additional time for proponents of a statewide referendum measure to withdraw the measure.

AB 764 (2023) Local Redistricting Standards—Ensures greater equity in the drawing of voting boundaries for special districts, school districts, community college districts, and county boards of education.

AB 1400 (2023) Financial Aid for HBCU Students—Creates financial support for California Community College students who transfer to a Historically Black College or University (HBCU).

AB 424 (2023) ALS Registry—Established the collection of information on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis disease (ALS/Lou Gehrig’s disease) cases to support medical research toward future treatment.

AB 507 (2023) Presidential Election Protection—Protects California presidential elections from being disrupted by states of emergency by ensuring a safe, alternative location for presidential electors to meet.

AB 1735 (2022) Language Services for Foster Youth—Ensures foster youth receive services and materials in their native language.

AB 1848 (2022) End Prison Gerrymandering—Ensures that incarcerated Californians are counted as part of their home communities for the purpose of drawing district lines.

AB 1686 (2022) Remove Financial Barriers to Reunification for Foster Families—Ensures that family reunification is no longer disrupted by the financial burdens placed on families who have been impacted by the foster care system.

AB 2159 (2022) Ensure Reunification Services—Ensures that parents who are incarcerated pretrial shall not be bypassed from receiving family reunification services solely for the reason of being incarcerated.

AB 1823 (2022) Quality Health Insurance for Students—Ensures students insured by student blanket policies benefit from the same regulatory oversight and consumer protections as other health plans.

AB 1798 (2022) Digital Campaign Disclosures—Simplifies digital disclosure requirements.

AB 1043 (2021) Acutely Low Income Households—Added a new category to state housing law recognizing people with “Acutely Low Income”. These are families earning less than $17,000 a year.