May 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

  1. I.      Call to Order at 7:02 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. II.    Pledge of Allegiance – led by Carlene Brown.
  3. III.  Approval of Minutes for April 10, 2013 were tabled.
  4. IV.  Guests and New Members: 116 Members.  Guests included Jake Hastings, Rob Ramsey and Tom Molina. New member present was Martin Egbe.
  5. V.    President’s Report:  Discussion of a Life Time Membership
  6. VI.  Special Announcement:  Member Nyabingi Kuti presented a resolution in support of the South LA Reintegration Council to end mass incarceration.  The resolution was provided.  Lee Sanders moved that the resolution be adopted with additional language to add the CCDC’s support of the SLARC’s efforts.  Judy Alter seconded the motion.  Discussion included that the resolution would be sent to the following politicos:  State Assemblymember Holly Mitchell, the LA County Board of Supervisors, the Governor, State Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer, and State Senator Curran Price. Motion carried.
  7. VII.  Program: Mark Quann our speaker for the evening, spoke about the Banking Crisis and getting financially stable.  He spoke and provided a PowerPoint presentation. He also spoke about his forthcoming book, Rich Man, Poor Bank.  Discussion followed.
  8. VIII.       Officer Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of April 30, 2013 is:  $5,329.98.
    2. Membership:  116 members.
    3. Correspondence (Lee W.) – no report.
  9. IX.  Announcements:
    1. Next meeting, Wednesday, June 12. Topic is the Transition Democracy Workshop.
    2. The “War on Whistle Blowers” will be the topic in July.
    3. Jim Clarke, City Council member, reminded all about the Car Show this weekend downtown, and a Pancake Breakfast at the CCFD Station #1 on Saturday, May 11.
    4. Judy Alter reported about the need for Election Day poll workers in Culver City.

The next big election that workers are needed is June 2014.  Call or go on the website to the County Registrar of Voters.  Judy will submit an article for the CCDC Newsletter.

  1. Neil Rubenstein recommended that Democrats vote for Democrats.
  2. Dr. Khin Khin Gyi reminded everyone to vote for Nancy Pearlman for Community College School Board May 21.  The CCDC has endorsed Nancy.
  3. Chris King spoke about the Small Business Panel.
  4. Lee Sanders brought the League of Women Voters booklets to share. Robert Scheer, The Great American Stick-up, Joseph Stieglitz, Free Fall; and Michael Lewis, The Big Short.
  5. Executive Board meeting, is Sunday, May 19 at Herb and Diane Rosenberg’s’ on Stevens Ave.
  6. Nyabingi Kuti announced a May 19 event, Strategy Session to End Mass Incarceration in LA at the Zion Hill Baptist Church, 6-9 pm.


Move to adjourn by Eric Fine, seconded by Johnny Kennedy. Meeting adjourned at 9:04 pm

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary with assistance from and thanks to Sylvia Moore.