[Members were asked to write on why they supported our endorsed candidates and ballot measures]
Barbara Lee for US Senate
by Alex Fisch
Barbara Lee is the rare candidate who brings grassroots progressive passion and values together with the pragmatism necessary to get legislative results. She had the courage to stand alone in Congress, presciently calling out the Authorization for Use of Military Force of 2001 as a blank check for war. But she also managed to get Pete Wilson to sign sixty-seven of her bills into law while in the California legislature. Barbara Lee would distinguish herself in the Senate as a powerful and effective advocate for ordinary Californians, and an important voice in the Senate for progressive values.
Ted Lieu for Congress (CD36)
by Andrew Lachman
Ted Lieu has been an outspoken leader for Democratic Party values on issues like expanding our open space, combatting climate change, regulating AI and protecting our democracy.
Holly Mitchell for LA County Supervisor
by Disa Lindgren
In 2006, I had the great good fortune to get to know Holly J. Mitchell. She was the Executive Director of Crystal Stairs, one of the largest nonprofit child and family development agencies in California. At that time, Holly was also the Public Policy Chairperson of the CA CCR&R Network (Network), the membership and advocacy organization where I work, which Crystal Stairs belongs to. I helped to staff the public policy committee meetings that Holly facilitated during her tenure on the Network Board of Directors, so I had a front row seat to observe her prodigious leadership skills. I will never forget the in-person yearly conferences where Holly presided over member meetings of 80 people, who discussed and then voted on adopting the organization’s annual policy agenda. Holly handled everything about these meetings with brilliance, a keen listening ear, wit, the ability to get people to focus, and tremendous competence. I have never seen anyone manage so many people, often with passionate differences of opinion, with such skill and compassion.
After leading Crystal Stairs for seven years, Holly J. Mitchell distinguished herself in the state legislature as our elected representative for a decade. As a State Assemblymember and Senator, Holly helped to author and pass over 90 bills impacting all Californians for the better. Now, as the 2nd District Superintendent of the LA County Board, Holly continues to fight for our most vulnerable community members, championing equity and justice, and working for systemic change. Holly has accomplished a great deal, passing a countywide guaranteed universal income program and making L.A. County the first in the nation to phase out urban oil drilling. We need Holly’s continued leadership, which is always guided by a spirit of compassion and respect.
I respect and appreciate Holly J. Mitchell so much, because she is deeply committed to the causes that the Culver City Democratic Club cares about, because she represents all of her constituents with integrity, and because she understands how to govern to effect positive social change. Vote to re-elect Holly J. Mitchell for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, District 2!
Yes on LA City Measure HLA
by Olga Lexell
A Culver City resident might wonder: why should I care about Measure HLA, a City of LA ballot measure that Culver City residents can’t even vote in? The simple answer is that Culver City doesn’t exist in a vacuum, especially when it comes to transportation. Very few people who live in Culver City only stay in Culver City.
Right now, we have a beautiful transportation corridor downtown that connects much of the heart of our City. But it’s hard to go further east or west until Los Angeles does its fair share to meet the moment. The opening of the Venice Blvd. mobility lanes was a boost to Move CC’s connectivity, but it’s not enough. Culver City residents deserve a connected transportation network that enables you to travel across Los Angeles without a car. Measure HLA would require LA to upgrade roads that connect to Culver City’s network: Sepulveda, Overland, Motor, MLK, La Brea, Obama, and many more.Â