November 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

  1. Call to Order at 7:03 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Neil Rubenstein.
  3. Approval ofOctober 9, 2013Minutes: moved to approve by Loren Scott, seconded by Mim Shapiro; motion passed.
  1. Announcements: Veterans Day and veterans at the meeting were acknowledged and honored; Diane E. Watson’s 80th Birthday on 11-12-13; honoring Susan B. Anthony who was arrested on Nov. 18, 1872 while trying to vote; honoring JFK’s memory/assassination on Nov. 22, 1963.
  1. Nominating Committee and Officer Elections – Ronnie Jayne accepted the Chair position. President Bill Wynn also appointed Roger Maxwell. Ronnie accepted 3 members from the Club at large: Darryl Cherness, Neil Rubenstein, and Loren Scott. Move to accept by acclamation by Mim Shapiro, seconded by Darryl Cherness. Motion passed by acclamation.
  1. Discussion of Results of CC School Board Election on 11-5-13: Mim Shapiro spoke to the lack of a voter precinct in her Blair Hills area (or anywhere else in Culver City) and in this past election they had to vote in Los Angeles, east of La Brea Ave.! Felt that this election should be invalidated as the Blair Hills citizens had no place to vote in CC. Darryl moved that this matter be discussed at the Executive Bd meeting, seconded by Hank Shapiro. Motion passed. Steven Murray brought up the concern that neither of CCDC’s endorsed candidates won the last election. Bill Wynn addressed this issue and suggested that low turn out impacted this race. Margaret Lindgren suggested we coordinate the election with City Council elections. Sylvia Moore also offered the idea of consolidating elections and coordinating them in a presidential year. Steve Gourley suggested that this topic be furthered, especially with state candidates in the room.
  1. Guests and New Members: 179 members for 2013. Many visitors were present to hear the candidates for the 54th AD.
  2. Program: 54th AD Democratic Candidates Forum and Endorsement Vote: Christopher Armenta, John Jake and Sebastian Ridley-Thomas. Gary Walker of the Culver City News moderated. Mr. Walker asked questions after each candidate offered their opening. Closing statements followed his questions. Questions from the audience were in the form of 3 x 5 cards, followed by audience support for the candidates at the mic. Only members in good standing were able to receive ballots. 58 votes were cast. 45 votes for Chris Armenta, 11 for Sebastian Ridley-Thomas, 1 for John Jake, 1 for “no endorsement.” 60% of the vote, which is required for endorsement, was 35. Therefore, Christopher Armenta received the endorsement of the CCDC.
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Fundraising (Sylvia): Sylvia reminded us all of the holiday meeting in December and asked for donations for our silent auction. Raffle after the movie including a duffle bag, 2 DVDs: Spike Lee’s When the Levee Broke, and Vantage Point, and Bregman artwork. Buttons are available, some are 50 cents, and some are 1 for $3 or 2 for $5.
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of October 30, 2013 are: $3,193.00.
  3. Membership [Diane]: 179 paid members for 2013, 33 for 2014.
  4. Correspondence (no report)
  1. Announcements:
  1. Next CCDC Executive Board Meeting will be held on Sunday, November 24 at 9 a.m. at the Rosenberg’s home.
  2. 54th AD Special Election to be held on Dec. 3, 2013.
  3. Next CCDC General Meeting will be held December 11, 2013 at the Rotunda Room, Vet’s Memorial Bldg., Culver City. This will be a Holiday Party and Meeting.
  4. Words Matter, Part 2” is a discussion on bullying, announced by Mary Ann Green, that will be held by the CC Commission of Parks and Recreation on Tuesday, November 19th at 7 p.m. at the CC City Hall Council Chambers. Earl Ofari Hutchinson will be the moderator.

Motion to adjourn moved by Darryl, seconded by Mim. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary