November 2014 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:07 p.m. by Sylvia Moore, acting President.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Isabell Cherness.
  1. Approval of October 8, 2014 Minutes. Moved to approve by Disa Lindgren, seconded by Margaret Lindgren. Approved.
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of October 31, 2014 were: $2 700.68.
  2. Membership (Diane Rosenberg) – 170 members paid for 2014. 34 paid for 2015. Anita Parnell is a new member.
  3. Fundraising (Amy Cherness) – Raffle items were described. Fundraising theatre party at the Kentwood Playhouse, “Into the Woods.” Tickets are $30. Sunday, December 14 at 2:00 p.m.
  4. Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – Sylvia has a list of all the registered Democrats in CC and the Club may have a “postcard party” to invite new members.
  5. Correspondence & Legislation: (Stephen Murray) – No report.
  1. Announcement of CCDC Executive Board Nominating Committee
  1. Sylvia is nominating Darryl Cherness and Bill Wynn
  2. 3 members “from the floor” are: Karlo Silbiger, Margaret Lindgren and Khin Khin Gyi.
  1. Scott Houston, winner of the West Basin Water Board, spoke a few words including his thanks for

help from members and citizens of Culver City. (The CCDC did not endorse a candidate.). Sylvia thanked Stephen Murray for his efforts as a candidate.

  1. Gurneet Pannu of Common Cause to present Government By the People Act

HR candidates for this November election raised over $957 million. Gurneet spoke about from where monies for elections come: finance, insurance, corporate donors. HR 20 is a resolution to encourage small contributions to candidates. Dollars would be matched. Congressional co-sponsors are 158 Democrats and 1 Republican. Endorsements by Jim Clarke, NAACP, Sierra Club, and others. Sylvia will disseminate the proposed law and any other information about this to the membership.

  1. Program: 2014 Midterm Election Review and Panel Discussion

Panel Members included Karlo Silbiger, Mona Field and Sydney Kamlager, who is district director for Sen. Holly Mitchell (and a candidate for Community College Trustee). Thoughts and data were shared. Campaign financing totaled $3.5 billion for all campaigns. Questions followed.

  1. Announcements
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 22, 2014 at the Jayne/Camarella home at 9:30 a.m.
  2. CCDC December Holiday featuring Special Guest, former CCDC President Judge Harold Cherness (ret.) – Wednesday, December 10, 2014 in the Vet’s Rotunda Room.
  3. Sydney circulated her petition to get her as a candidate on Seat 3 for the Community College District.

Motion to adjourn this meeting in honor of veterans and Veterans Day by Eric. Seconded by Darryl Cherness.. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary