Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years
General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda
Wednesday, October 09, 2013
- Call to Order at 7:04 pm by President Bill Wynn.
- Pledge of Allegiance – led by Loren Scott.
- Approval ofSeptember 11, 2013Minutes: moved to approve by Darryl Cherness, Roger Maxwell seconded; motion passed.
- Announcements: Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt 2013 Democrat of the Year Awards. Sylvia Moore, 2nd VP of our CCDC is being honored from the 54th AD. Roger Maxwell presented a draft letter of invitation for Wendy Davis, gubernatorial candidate for Texas, to speak at a future CCDC meeting. He asked the CCDC to send it to the Executive Board to consider sending in the name of the club. Club members suggested that we coordinate with other clubs and hold a fundraiser in a bigger venue.
- Guests and New Members: Alan Richmond, 177 members.
- Program: Screening of the movie: “Four Days in Chicago,” directed by Haskell Wexler. The editor, Nick Golding was present to speak about the film. Nick spoke about Mr. Wexler’s background and how sorry he couldn’t be here. Mr. Wexler is 91 years young and is currently on another “shoot.” Discussion followed with Nick Golding answering questions.
- Officer Reports
- Fundraising (Sylvia): Sylvia reminded us all of the holiday meeting in December and asked for donations for our silent auction. Raffle after the movie including Halloween items, War on Whistle Blowers DVD, and Bregman artwork. Buttons are available 1 for $3 or 2 for $5. Health Care movie is available for $15 – see Lee Sanders.
- Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Report given by Bill Wynn. Total funds as of September 30, 2013 are: $3,163.00.
- Membership [Diane]: 177 paid members.
- Correspondence (no report)
- Announcements:
A. Next CCDC Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 19, 9 am at the Camarella/Jayne home.
- October 20 is the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Award Dinner. We will be honoring the Democrat from the 54th: Sylvia Moore. Event will be held at the Gateway Hotel near LAX.
C Next CCDC General Meeting will be held November 13, 2013 at the Rotunda Room, Vet’s Memorial Bldg., Culver City. and will be an endorsement meeting for State Assembly.
- Gary Silbiger spoke of Karlo’s thanks for support from CCDC and invited members to help with precinct walking.
- Disa Lindgren offered lawn and window signs for Karlo Silbiger and Claudia Vizcarra’s campaigns.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary