President’s Message by Amy Cherness, February 2018


Culver City is about to have another City Council election this April. It is vitally important that every voter turns out and votes. Turnout from past elections has been poor and that reflects on how people feel about city politics. People have to remember that when you vote for City Council, you are voting for people that will take charge of your community. This has a lot more impact on your daily life than national politics – street repair, parks, lights, sewers, construction are some of the things City Council members are in charge of every day.


This February 14, our club is having a City Council endorsement meeting. Three of the four candidates running are Democrats, and members of our club.


If you are not a registered voter, go get a form from any post of office or library, or the Democratic club. We can get you registered at our meeting. There is no excuse for not voting. You can vote by mail or at the ballot box.


My husband Darryl and I have taken our daughter Isabell with us to vote at every election since she was six months old. She understands the value and importance of voting. Every adult should feel the same way.


Let’s get out and vote this April, and make Culver City a great place to live because of the people we elect to our City Council. Over the years our Club has been instrumental in helping to elect good Democrats to our City Council. This year let’s continue this great tradition.