President’s Message by Amy Cherness: Welcome to a New Progressive City Council


On April 30, 2018, we swore in a new progressive City Council. We have the first African-American City Councilman in Culver City’s history, Daniel Lee. These are two great changes to our city for the better. Some of the important issues that will be coming up are:

The Inglewood oil field and increasing the surety bond;

Moving the oil wells a greater distance from resident’s homes;

Banning fracking in Culver City;

Changing the oil field to a park;

Helping the homeless by building shelters and giving vouchers for motels;

Getting progressive new members on boards and commissions.

Our Club once again was instrumental in getting out the vote for our new City Council members, Alex Fisch and Daniel Lee. I am very proud that our Club will have an influence in our city becoming a more progressive city.

Let me know what is important to you, and I will pass it on to the City Council. The people of this city will have a greater voice in city government than before. Let’s use it to get progressive causes heard and passed.