President’s Message by Khin Khin Gyi, April 2016


FullSizeRenderIn January of this year when our immediate past president Sylvia Moore brought up the issue of transitioning to a system of sending our monthly club newsletters by email, there were some in the crowd who strenuously insisted on receiving newsletters by mail. A compromise was proposed and a three- month phase in period followed whereby those who still wanted their newsletters by mail would opt in and specifically state so. To that effect, we will be providing Excel spread sheets for those who wish to continue receiving our newsletter by mail, opting in, whereas the rest of us would receive the email version.

Why are we moving to a more sustainable way to share information? When you consider the fact that it costs the club approximately $ 1,637.00 per year to send the newsletters by mail and that we have three elections to endorse this year. Each time we mail out our endorsement postcards, it costs $ 577.70 to have the postcards printed at Norwalk Printing and then another $ 1,501.05 to have them processed and have postage affixed to them prior to mailing. For all three set of elections beginning with the Culver City Council, the June primary and the November general elections, we are looking at a price tag of approximately $ 6,000.00 for this year.

One could argue that we could not possibly meet our obligations this year, but with the introduction of life time memberships, and stepping up of fund raising activities, we hope to be able to reach our goal. To that effect, we will be providing sign-in sheets at the upcoming meeting for those who wish to continue receiving our newsletter by mail, thus opting in. The rest of us will receive the email version of the newsletter.