The Culver City Democratic Club SUPPORTs SB 52 the California DISCLOSE Act.
Unlimited anonymous special interest spending is subverting our democracy, deceiving voters with misleading political ads while hiding who’s trying to buy elections. That’s why we need SB 52 (Leno and Hill), the California DISCLOSE Act: “Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections”. It will let voters know who really is paying for political ads.
• Mandate clear and prominent disclosure of who is behind political TV, radio, print, and other ads, on the ads themselves, for all ballot measure ads, outside ads for and against candidates, and issue ads.
• Stop special interest contributors from hiding behind fake committee names by requiring ads to show their three actual largest original contributors.
The Culver City Democratic Club believes that voters deserve to know who is paying for political ads. We therefore endorse and publicly support SB 52, the California DISCLOSE Act. We urge you to vote Yes.