September 2014 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:10 by Sylvia Moore, acting President.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Isabell Cherness.
  3. Announcements: Our meeting is in honor of our immediate CCDC past president Lee Sanders, who passed away on 8/29/14; and local environmental activist, Dan Wang, who also died. Acknowledgment of September meeting sponsors: Lee Sanders in honor of his mother, Rosemary Shea Sanders; and, Diane & Herb Rosenberg in honor of their birthdays. This will also be David Bromberg’s last meeting, due to his resignation to travel. In memory of the Anniversary of the National Day of Remembrance, 9/11, a moment of silence was held. Due to David’s resignation, Amy Cherness offered to be V.P. The Executive Board voted at their Saturday Board meeting to appoint Amy. Therefore, it was moved by Eric Fine, seconded by Disa Lindgren, and approved by the members, that Amy Cherness is the new 2nd V.P. Thank you, Amy!
  4. Approval of August 13, 2014 Minutes – Correction to V.B: No guests were named. Also, the last line of motion to adjourn this meeting “in honor of” was: meeting was adjourned in honor of Jeff Cooper’s father, Lauren Bacall and Robin Williams. Corrections were noted and amendments to correct were moved by Rick Tuttle and seconded by Jonathan Friedman. Approved with corrections.
  5. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of August 31, 2014 are: $2,525.78. Eric mentioned that this is not enough money for a November endorsement mailing at the same level as before.
  2. Membership (Diane Rosenberg) – 161 members paid for 2014.
  3. Fundraising (David Bromberg) –Drag Queen Bingo was a SUCCESS! We made $1,196.00.
  4. Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – no report. Bumper stickers and DVDs are for sale.
  5. Correspondence & Legislation: (Stephen Murray) –Sylvia reported that the U.S. Senate amendment to overturn Citizens’ United passed the Senate. Also Congress discussed “net neutrality”.
  1. Program: November Election endorsement vote for statewide elections; Forum and Endorsement Vote for West Basin Municipal Water Board 4 candidates and Ballot proposition 46.

Karlo Silbiger was the facilitator for the forums (fora) for West Basin Water District 4 and Proposition 46. Candidates for Water District 4 included Jeff Ebenstein, Scott Houston and Stephen Murray. Jeff was unable to attend and unable to send a representative. Scott and Stephen spoke. Questions were submitted by the audience in the form of 3” x 5” cards. Questions included fracking, positions on the Water Bond; gray water usage by corporations as well as homeowners; what’s different between candidates and differences between Republican and Democratic Water Board members. Opening and closing statements. 5 minutes for member/public comments. Results of the first ballot. 28 total ballots: 60% is 17 votes. Jeff 6, Scott 9, Stephen 12 votes. 1 No endorsement. No one received 60%. A second ballot was required. Second ballot results: 30 ballots were cast. 0 were invalid; Jeff 6, Scott 10, Stephen 12, 2 for no endorsement. Therefore, the CCDC will not endorse for this position.

Proposition 46 forum, facilitated by Karlo. Proposition 46 is about Drug and Alcohol Testing of Doctors, Medical Negligence Lawsuits. Speaking for Yes on 46 was Christa Ramey. Speaking for No on 46 was Terry Holoman. Comments included: what is the biggest misconception about this Proposition? Audience comments followed. With a hand vote, counted by the Secretary, there was not a 60% endorsement of either side, including abstention votes.

Greg Valtierra suggested that we follow the endorsements for the other positions that the LACDP did endorse, what the Club had not voted upon. Greg moved, Karlo seconded. Discussion followed. Motion passed. Rick Tuttle moved that we endorse Alex Padilla for Secretary of State. Karlo seconded. Voice vote: motion passed.

  1. Fiesta La Ballona – Wrap-up: Most financially successful Fiesta ever! $200.00! Thank you to those of you who sat at the booth and thanks for coming by to say hello!
  2. Announcements:
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, September 27, 2014 at Pat Levinson’s home at 1 p.m.
  2. October 19, 2014, Sunday, Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat of the Year Awards. From the 54th AD, Sen. Holly Mitchell and the Hon. Jim B. Clarke will be honored. $125/ticket. Early bird: $110.
  3. Disa Lindgren reminded us that there would be a TV program on Sunday, Sept. 14 on Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt by the filmmaker Ken Burns.

Motion to adjourn this meeting in honor of Lee Sanders by Rick Tuttle. Seconded by Eric. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary