September 2015 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 63nd Anniversary Year

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Executive Board Meeting

Culver City Democratic The Rosenberg’s Home

Present were: Diane and Herb Rosenberg, Khin Khin Gyi, Eric Fine, Sylvia Moore, Amy Cherness, Pat Levinson, Nyabingi Kuti, and Stephen Murray.

  1. Called to Order at 10:17 a.m. by Khin Khin Gyi.
  2. Minutes of August 31, 2015, Motion to approve by Amy, seconded by Khin Khin. One abstention. Motion approved.
  3. Recap of September events:
  1. Speaker: CCUSD School Candidates Forum: Made front page coverage in CC News newspaper.
  2. Sylvia is appointing a voting practices sub-committee, which will include Sylvia, Stephen and 1 member at large to comprise the committee.
  3. Councilmember Clarke stated that only voting members should be making comments at the end. The guidelines, distributed by Greg, indicated that only club members will be allowed to make comments. This is not included in the By-Laws. This will be discussed with former presidents: Greg, Darryl, Gary, Karlo and Bill. Once considered, whatever is determined will be included in the By-Laws.
  4. Pat, Eric and Khin Khin will collaborate on a response to the CC News article.
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer (Eric) – Starting balance on August 1st was $4,431.03. Ending balance for August 31, 2015 is $4,289.72. Received a bill for tax preparation from Durkee for $31.17. Received a bill from Crummitt & Associates for $890.44. Stephen will investigate and survey other clubs’ accounting services.
  2. Membership (Diane) – 129 members. Checks for $240 for dues from last general meeting. Mostly renewals.
  3. Outreach (Sylvia) – Thanked Stephen for sending out notices for Kelly Kent’s fundraisers. Stephen reported that we have access to a “walk list.” He can sort in any manner. Sylvia encouraged some of our group to write a comment on Ari’s online blog supporting Kelly Kent.
  4. Fundraising (Amy) – Still working with the Hamburger Mary date, contacting Roxie. She’ll try to early December. Either Wednesdays or Sundays. Fundraiser at Menchies where you get a certain percentage of sales. Sugar-free or lactose-free options? For October.
  5. Correspondence (Stephen) – Sent a letter of our Minimum Wage Resolution to City Council. Karlo asked for an analysis of data. Wanted 3000 names for School Board elections. Preferred sorting would be those who voted in previous elections. Stephen created a sample flyer for our School Board endorsement mailing. Stephen will talk with Greg about targeting 3-4000 democratic mailboxes. In our current By-Laws, we cannot endorse a non-registered Democrat. Bernie Sanders is registered as an Independent, not as a Democrat. We need to incorporate new language into our By-Laws. Stephen will reconvene a meeting of the By-Laws committee.
  6. Legislative Committee (Nyabingi) – Update on the Diversion Resolution. The Resolution’s Committee of the LACDP did not respond. Marqueese Harris-Dawson, Mark Ridley-Thomas and Karen Bass had a town center on the lack of resources of in south LA. More violence in Palms, too. Asking LAPD to invest more money in gang violence & prevention and jobs. Nyabingi will keep the Club informed on this information and process. Stephen recommending that we create a resolution on “Black Lives Matter.”

Sylvia mentioned that Campaign Zero is in concert with “Black Lives Matter” campaign. This will be on the agenda for the next Executive Board meeting.

  1. Hospitality (Herb) – Herb also picks up mail from the post office. Combination of fruit and other items to be served at the meeting.
  1. Upcoming Meetings/Events: Topics for next meetings:

October 14 –Mansionization: Iain M. Gulin, Sara Hartley and Phil Lelyveld as panelists. Sylvia will be the moderator. Need pro mansionization panelists. Stephen will look into another panelists. Nominating committee to be appointed. Two appointed from Exec. Bd. And 3 elected from the floor.

November 11 – Meghan Sahli Wells and the mayor of Santa Monica will be discussing minimum wage v. “living wage.” Khin Khin has confirmed her participation. Nominations from the Nominating Committee. December 9 – Have senatorial candidate Kamala Harris. Stephen will invite. Endorsement vote would follow. Along with the usual party. Or a Robert Greenwald film, Greenwald speaking (and popcorn). Bill will invite.

  1. Old Business

A. Barbara Lee (HR 1111) creation of a Dept. of Peace. Stephen will write a letter to Barbara Lee that we passed this in support of her bill.

  1. New Business –
  1. Membership drives hitched to endorsement voting sessions v. before the end of the year.
  2. Attend City Hall to discuss “minimum wage” resolution. This Monday, Sept. 28 at City Hall.
  1. Announcements
  1. Roosevelt Dinner in Long Beach, Sunday, November 8.
  2. Yearly Club Seminar all day at CSULA on Sunday, October 25. All interested Democrats are invited. Lunch provided. Free.
  3. Next Executive Board Meeting will be on October 31, Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Ronnie & Tom’s home. (If they can’t accommodate, then either Pat or the Rosenbergs will hold the meeting.)

Eric moved to adjourn, Amy seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary