The Culver City Democratic Club’s Endorsements for the March 5 Primary Election—So Far


The Culver City Democratic Club continues to be the city’s largest publisher of political information and analysis, as well as the westside’s original progressive Democratic organization.

After the December  meeting, members voted on endorsements using the secure and confidential Election Buddy service. The first round of voting closed at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, with a required runoff from then until 5:30 p.m. Friday.

It takes a 60% majority to endorse a candidate, but only a simple majority to support a ballot measure.

The final endorsements are:

President: Joe Biden

Senate: Barbara Lee

Congress: Ted Lieu (CD36) and Sydney Kamlager (CD37)

State Assembly: Isaac Bryan

State Measure 1: Yes

County Supervisor: Holly Mitchell

District Attorney: George Gascón

LA County Democratic Party Central Committee (AD55):
Leah Pressman, Freddy Puza, and Jeff Schwartz

Culver City School Facilities Bond: Yes