Timothy Snyder’s Lesson Eight: Stand Out—Like Rosa Parks.


Why was February chosen for Black History Month? Many have speculated that February was chosen for Black history month because it is the shortest month of the year.  But the Encyclopedia Britannica says it came from the coincidence of two birthdays, i.e. Abraham Lincoln (Feb 12) and Frederick Douglass (Feb 14).  However, I would like to add to that honor roll the birthday of Rosa Parks (Feb 4). 

In a courageous act of resistance, she chose a seat in the white-only section of the bus.  Was it because she was old and tired?  No.  As she explained years later, she was only 42 at the time and the only “tired she was, was tired of giving in”.

In Timothy Snyder’s book of lessons “On Tyranny”, he points to her as an example of what happens when someone stands out.  He writes, “Remember Rosa Parks. The moment you set an example, the spell of the status quo is broken and others will follow.”

And others did follow Rosa Parks.  The result was the Montgomery Bus Boycott which she helped to organize and plan.   And the rest is history.  Happy Birthday, Abraham, Frederick and Rosa.