Culver City Democratic Club General Meeting Minutes September 11, 2019


7:11 p.m. — meeting called to order

President Pete Rockwell opens the meeting with a moment of silence in remembrance of the terrorist attack on the United States on September 11, 2001.

John Williams leads the pledge of allegiance.

Eric Fine moves to approve the agenda. It’s seconded, and the agenda is approved.

Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine): Ending Balance $5,884.93

Membership Secretary’s Report (Diane Rosenberg) 158 members (including 15 lifetime members).

Bylaws Change
Vote on whether to add the following article to our Club bylaws: “Article XVIII. Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt.”

Khin Khin notes that it’s customary to use Robert’s Rules in the LA County Democratic.

A vote is taken: 23 in favor, none against.

Timing of candidate endorsement vote
A motion is made by John Williams and seconded by Rick Tuttle to vote at the November 13 general meeting to endorse candidates for Los Angeles County Supervisor for District 2, and President of the United States, for the March 3, 2020, primary election.

Tad Daley would like to delay the vote in order to hear as much as possible about the Democratic presidential candidates.

Pete explains we need time to make slate cards and send them out in late January.

Rick Tuttle supports the chairman’s suggestion to endorse in November.

A vote is called to have the endorsement meeting in November. The vote is unanimous in favor.

Ranked Choice Voting
A long discussion takes place about the pros and cons of a form of ranked choice voting that the Executive Board decided will be used to pick the candidates to endorse for the March 3 election.

Rebecca Rona Tuttle proposes a mock election in October so the Club can experience ranked choice voting and make an informed decision from there. The motion is seconded by Karim Sahli. A vote is taken, and the Club agrees to have a mock election at the October general meeting.

Speaker Herb Wesson answers questions from the floor.

Kasey Kokenda, representative for Assemblymember Sydney Kamlager-Dove, announces that the Assemblymember is having a town hall on insurance at the Imam Cultural Center Oct. 10 at 6:30-8pmDarryl Cherness moves we adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourns at 9:26pm