CCDC President Bill Wynn Honored at the Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat of the Year Awards


CCDC President Bill Wynn was one of 52 local Democrats honored at the annual Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat of the Year Awards, held Sept. 23, 2012 at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel. The event’s speakers included California state Assembly Speaker John Perez and L.A. County Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman. There was a video tribute to the honorees and each received a special pin, in recognition of their service on behalf of the Democratic Party.

Born in Camden, NJ, Bill grew up in Los Angeles. He served three years in the Marine Corps, and worked at 20th Century Film Corp. for 15 years. While living in Culver City, he served as Chair of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Planning Committee. In 2012, he became the first African-American President of the Culver City Democratic Club, which recently celebrated its 60th anniversary. Bill says he feels privileged to be nominated Democrat of the Year. His lifelong passion has been to live life to the fullest.