Culver City Democratic Club at Fiesta La Ballona 2012

CCDC member Roger Maxwell and CCDC President Bill Wynn

by Sylvia Moore, CCDC Second Vice President

On Aug. 25 and 26, the Culver City Democratic Club was proud to participate in the annual Culver City Fiesta La Ballona. At the club’s patriotic Fiesta booth, members registered voters, and spoke to people about issues of concern to them and the benefits of joining the CCDC. For the second year in a row, our featured guest was none of than the Commander in Chief himself! Well, not the real POTUS, but his life-sized stand-in, President “Obama.” The “POTUS” was a big hit with Fiesta-goers, who took photos next to him. The club also raised over $400 from sales of 2012 campaign merchandise and donations from the public. All proceeds go toward club operating expenses and toward promoting Democratic ideas, issues and candidates.

CCDC 2nd VP Sylvia Moore and CCDC President Bill Wynn

CCDC member Roger Maxwell
Special guest, President "Obama"