Minutes of April 10 general meeting


7:10 Meeting is called order 

Shannon reads poem dedicated to Herb Rosenberg

Without any objections, the meeting will proceed using Robert’s Rules of Order.

Treasurer’s report: Ending balance is $4,696.69. The Executive Board decided the Club will no longer give plaques as awards. Instead the club will be giving certificates, since they are less costly.

Chair of Political/Elections Committee, Khin Khin Gyi, proposes the passing of her resolution regarding the Inglewood Oil Field, requesting the Culver City Council to suspend the oil field permits until further inspection. Eric Fine seconded. The resolution passes unanimously.

Membership Secretary’s report: 114 members altogether for 2019. This doesn’t include the 12 lifetime members. New members who joined tonight: Arlene Wilson, Lisa Thompkins  Lisa & Tali. 

The Club President reported on the screening of the movie Best of Enemies. We raised $592 for the Mayme Clayton Library & Museum.

Rebecca Rona suggests our members should coordinate a group visit to Mayme Clayton library and museum.

Tom Camarella makes the motion that we move to endorse Jackie Goldberg, Jimmie Woods Gray seconds.

Darryl Cherness announced that the bylaws state that we have to endorse candidates by using secret ballots unless we waive that process.

Disa Lindgren motions we vote by acclamation Darryl Cherness seconds.

The Club votes to endorse Jackie Goldberg unanimously.

The Club votes unanimously to endorse the Green Dream Campaign which is getting Democratic clubs to incorporate greener practices.

Bylaws Report: The Club voted unanimously to make the following changes to the bylaws:
The following wording was added to the end of Article III, Section 1: “, or pre-registered Democrats at least 16 years of age.”

The following change was made to Article III, Section 3, which will now read: “Only members in good standing as of May 1 who are duly registered as a members of the Democratic Party of California will be included in the roster submitted for purposes of participation in the California Democratic Party endorsement process.”

Changes suggested by the Club president to Articles IV, VIII, XV, and XVIII were referred to the Bylaws Committee for review. The Bylaws Committee will make a recommendation to the Executive Board.

8:00 pm A guest presentation on various environmental subjects in honor of upcoming Earth Day with Dr. David Haake (Sierra Club), Bob Farrell (who served on the LA City Council), and John Kerin (Sunrise Movement).

The minutes of the March 13 general meeting are approved.

We adjourn in memory of the late Herb Rosenberg.