Minutes of CCDC general meeting of Wednesday, March 13, 2019


Veteran’s Memorial Building
Meeting called to order at 7:10pm 

President Pete Rockwell stated that if there was no objection he would run the meeting under Robert’s Rules of Order.

Reports of officers and committees

Tom Camarella reported for the LA County Democratic Party, reading resolutions passed by the LACDP. 

Amy Cherness gave a report of the committee on homelessness.

Corresponding Secretary Cynthia Hart announced that the Club doesn’t have current emails of all the Club members. She urged those who are not receiving email from the Club to send their email addresses to Pete Rockwell at pete_rockwell@hotmail.com

Pete Rockwell appointed the bylaws committee: Darryl Cherness (chair), Cynthia Hart, Khin Khin Gyi, John Williams, Pete Rockwell, and Rebecca Williams. (At the March 25 Executive Board meeting Diane Rosenberg was also appointed to the bylaws committee).

Guest speakers: Attorneys Gilbert Saucedo and Rosemary Esparza. They are members of the National Lawyers Guild. They spoke about their experiences at the border helping people in Mexico seeking asylum in the United States

Meeting adjourned at 9:13pm