February 2013 Minutes, General Meeting


Culver City Democratic Club – 61 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

  1. I.       Call to Order at 7:06 pm by President Bill Wynn.
  2. II.     Pledge of Allegiance – led by Neil Rubenstein.
  3. III.   Approval of Minutes for January 9, 2012.  Moved by Neil, seconded by Phyllis. Approved as written.
  4. IV.   Guests and New Members: Guests: Miriam Greenberg of Clean Money California, Marvin Egbe of OFA, Myra Boime of Clean Money California, and Gregory Wright, new member.
  5. V.        Program: Discussion: Candidates for Community College.  Election to be held March 5th.    Representatives for Seats 2 and 6 were invited to participate. Although a non-partisan office, the CCDC can only endorse Democrats; therefore, only Democrats were invited.  Attending and speaking were David Vela (Seat 6), a new candidate; and Sheryl Cross, appearing for Nancy Pearlman (Seat 6), a 3-time incumbent.  Differences include 1) the building program, 2) experience v. inexperience relative to funding corridors.  Update vocational programs to keep current with technology and specialized crafts – working with Workforce Investment Act (WIA); increase multiple pathways to jobs or higher education.  Discussion by members:  Possibly divide CCD into districts, not just open-wide, apprenticeships with labor unions; role of community colleges within the communities they reside.

Candidates stepped out while CCDC members offered their views.  Votes cast. Endorsement required 60% of votes cast.  Counted by Treasurer Eric Fine and Member Robert Neff, overseen by Herb Rosenberg.  30 ballots cast.  4 invalid.  CCDC endorsed:  Seat 2 – Mike Eng, receiving 73%.  Seat 6  – Did not reach 60% on first ballot. Second ballot vote: total 30 ballots valid, endorsed Nancy Pearlman with 73%.

  1. VI.       Officer/Committee Reports

A. Treasurer (Eric) – total for January approx. $3,300.

  1. Fundraising (Sylvia) Installation Luncheon will be at Courtyard by Marriott on Sunday, Feb. 24 at 11:30 a.m., $35 ahead or $40 at the door, Assemblymember (54th AD) Holly Mitchell  to be honored as well as Sylvia Moore (CCDC 2nd VP), as Member of the Year.  Jim Clarke will emcee.  Delicious hotel food expected (chicken or vegetarian).  See you there!
  2. Membership (Diane) – 90 current members paid dues for 2013.
  3. Correspondence (Lee W.)  – Letter received from H of R Congress member Karen Bass in response to our letter to her on gun violence, which she read aloud. President Obama also responded.
  4. VII.           Announcements:
    1. Democratic Party delegate election took place and elected from the CCDC were:  Pat Levinson, Nancy Pearlman, Meghan Sahli-Wells, Tom Camarella, Karlo Silbiger and Greg Valtierra.  Tom was also elected to the DCP Executive Board.
    2. Miriam Greenberg of Clean Money California is sponsoring a petition to support a proposition to expose big campaign donors who don’t specify themselves as donors.  Tom moved to endorse SB 52 for their kick-off as an endorser.  Lee Sanders seconded.  Since a motion was brought from the floor, CCDC could vote to endorse the kick-off.  The kick-off is March 16.  The petition will go to the CA State Senate.  Lee Sanders requested that Miriam report back to us on the results from the State Senate. Motion passed unanimously.  Therefore, CCDC will endorse the kick-off.
    3. Report from Meghan Sahli-Wells, City Council person, who attended the Obama Inauguration.  Excellent occasion, reported on the bike-share program.
    4. Sat. Feb. 23 CCDC Exec Bd. Meeting – Camarella/Jayne’s home, 9 am
    5. Next month’s topic to be on Women’s issues.
    6. This is Black History Month (February) and the150th Anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.  Please visit the Maymie Clayton Library/Museum in Culver City.
    7. Pan-African Film Festival in the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza, Feb. 7-18, 2013.
    8. Massive rally by 350.org to block the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.  Rally at Paseo de la Plaza (Olvera St.), Sunday, Feb. 17, 1 pm.

j.      Tomorrow:  Happy Valentine’s Day:  1 billion rising.  One Billion Women will be assaulted in their lifetime in the world.  Action at 2:14 p.m. on 2/14 at City Hall and CC High School (speaker).  Action includes standing in solidarity.

  1. VIII.         Move to adjourn by Ronnie, seconded by Darryl. Meeting adjourned at 9:17 pm


Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary