February 2015 General Meeting Minutes


Culver City Democratic Club – 63 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

  1. Call to Order at 7:25 p.m. by Sylvia Moore, President.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Isabell Cherness.
  3. Approval of January 12, 2015 Minutes. Moved to approve by Darryl Cherness, seconded by Neil Rubenstein. Approved.
  1. Special Speaker: Vito Trilgia from “Raise the Wage” campaign. He raised 3 points: Raise the wage to $15/hr; enforce workplace laws currently in place, and raise and; in many cases, create earned sick days. He distributed a flyer with the information. Discussion followed. LACDP supported a resolution to raise the minimum raise in Los Angeles to at least $15/hr.
  2. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of January 31, 2015 were: $2,416.06.
  2. Membership (Diane Rosenberg) 89 paid members. www.CulverCityDemocraticClub.com/RENEW.
  3. Fundraising (Amy Cherness) – Club Installation on Feb. 22, which is a major fundraiser. $40 ahead, $45 at the door. Democratic Activist of the Year is Sandra Fluke. Trudy Cherness Democrat of the Year is Bill Wynn. Ad space and sponsorships for the Program Book available.
  4. Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – Continuing to work on the Facebook page, Meet-up.com Have to reapply for the MOE list.
  5. Correspondence & Legislation: (Stephen Murray) Flyer for Community College Board wrongly says that it was the “Officially Endorsed by Democrats” flyer. Resolution to condemn that mailer by LACDP.
  1. 2015 Executive Board Officer Elections – 1st VP and Corresponding Secretary (quorum established by 8:08 pm)

Darryl Cherness facilitated the corrected election. Darryl reiterated the duties of the 1st VP: facilitates the Executive Board meetings and runs the meetings in the absence of the President. Stephen Murray and Khin Khin Gyi were the candidates.

Stephen won the coin toss and went first for his two minutes. Khin Khin spoke her two minutes. Questions followed. Twenty-six ballots. None were spoiled. Twenty votes for Khin Khin Gyi and six votes for Stephen Murray. Khin Khin received over 60% and , therefore, won. Nominations were open for Corresponding Secretary. Stephen Murrary accepted the nomination. Rick Tuttle moved and Ronnie Jayne seconded that nominations be closed. Stephen Murray was elected by acclamation.

  1. Program: Discussion of President Obama’s State of the Union Address – Forcefully liberal according to Sylvia Moore: Free community college tuition, immigration, Cuba, raise the minimum wage and healthcare were some of his topics. Rick Tuttle felt that this will galvanize the Democratic base and has positioned Democrats to take back both houses. Sylvia was critical of the Trans Pacific Partnership. Charlotte spoke of the overthrow of the Yemeni government and the confiscation of autos and ammunition. Brandon spoke of the passage of the XL pipeline by the House and Senate.
  2. Program: State of the Culver City Democratic Club (Sylvia Moore) – Sylvia facilitated a brainstorming session and ideas were generated on chart paper. Members were invited to select those ideas important to them by putting marks by their top three idea choices. Pat will type up, put in order of most tally marks and will send to Stephen Murray. Topics included recruitment, membership, Vote by Mail campaign, establishing a Demo Club at WLA College, encouraging high school students to join, membership gradations including a Lifetime membership, and more!
  1. Announcements
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Monday, February 16, 2014 at the home of Ronnie Jayne and Tom Camarella at 7 pm
  2. The Pan African film festival ends Monday.
  3. Reminder of Installation Luncheon on Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015 at 11:30 am at the Courtyard by Marriott.

Motion to adjourn this meeting by Ronnie, Seconded by Darryl. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary