June 2014 Minutes, General Meeting



Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7: 12 pm by President Lee Sanders
  1. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Joel Peck.
  1. Approval of May 15, 2014 Minutes – Moved to accept by acclamation.
  1. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric Fine) Total funds as of May 31, 2014 are: $101.28. Darryl suggested that we send out letters to folks whose dues have lapsed. Darryl again suggested that the E-Board make phone calls to those whose dues have lapsed.
  2. Membership (Diane Rosenberg) – 136 members paid for 2014. Online: ActBlue.org/CCDCmembership. Let’s welcome new member Alisa Sookne. Guests include: John Hasagawa, Chuck Blades and soon to be new member, Scott Houston.
  3. Fundraising (David Bromberg) – We will have a screening of “Inequality for All” at a theatre, $15.00/ticket, pending a location, August 5. A bingo event has been scheduled at Hamburger Mary’s – drag queen bingo, Wednesday, August 27, 2014. 7 p.m.
  4. Outreach (Sylvia Moore)– 4th of July picnic will be held at Blanco Park, located behind El Rincon School, 11 am to 3 pm. Please go to our Facebook and Fan pages. Facebook.com/Democratic Club.
  5. Correspondence (Stephen Murray) – no report, unable to attend today. Tom C. reported that State Senator Holly Mitchell had authored an anti-fracking bill, which lost by only 3 votes.
  1. Program: Mayor of Culver City, Meghan Sahli-Wells

Ms. Sahli-Wells became Mayor at the end of April 2014. Her charge to the electorate was that “Culver City was to become the finest city for children in the United States.” She spoke of the passage of School Bond CC, which passed by almost 76%, which shows a commitment to the schools of Culver City. She’s working on “Safe Routes to Schools” for youth to be safe walking or taking their bikes or scooters. She spoke of the major traffic issues around the schools and fewer cars that drop off children means a cleaner environment. She’s proud of the accomplishment of financial transparency in city government, including the creation of a Finance Advisory Committee. The CC City Budget is online. Can find it on the City’s website. Can review the budget summaries, too. The budget is currently under discussion at Council meetings. She reiterated Holly Mitchell’s statement that, “Budgets are a statement of priority.” This year’s budget will create one full-time arts employee. The most urgent need, in Meghan’s opinion, is affordable housing in CC. Under discussion will be some form of rent control or stabilization. Landlord-Tenant Mediation Board addresses issues but can’t enforce decisions. She also discussed the proposal from the Carlisle Group for digital billboards along Centinela Blvd. Four City Council members requested a study on this matter, to be paid by the Carlisle Group. Meghan was not in favor of this. CC would not have control over the content of the billboards. Cary Anderson, who was in attendance, created a DVD of the impact of digital billboards and large signage in CC. Culver City banned large billboards in the 1990’s. Carlisle is asking for an “exception” for a special signage district. Meghan also reported that the total City

budget is a little over $158 million. $2 million will be taken from the Reserve and put into capital improvements.

  1. Other Reports

CCUSD School Bond CC – passed with almost 76% of the vote. Tom Camarella encouraged oversight on the bids for contracts. There will be an Oversight Committee established.

State and Local Results: Run-offs for Controller and Secretary of State. Robert Neff has information about the run-off races at this meeting. Feel free to check his handouts.

Plans for November 4th election – we will endorse Democrats.

Expected Ballot Propositions – there are 4 that have qualified to date, including justifying insurance company rates – in the hands of the Insurance Commissioner.

Lee Sanders read an email from Jim Clarke about the Culver City Centennial Celebration Committee. Requesting applications for a Board of Directors, plus interest from residents and non-residents to serve on subcommittees. Activity to take place in September 2017.

  1. Announcements:
  1. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 21, 2014 at the Rosenberg’s home at 9 a.m.
  2. Reminder of the 4th of July Picnic at Blanco Park in CC (near El Rincon School), 11 am to 3 pm. Bring your own meats and a side dish to share. The Club will provide paper goods.
  3. Please view the handouts that Lee Sanders shared on the front table.
  4. June 19 is National “Dump the Pump” Day. Free bus rides.
  5. CC Fireworks will be held at WLA College.
  6. Scott Houston of the LAX Area Democratic Club, including as Club Secretary, announced that he would be running for the West Basin Water District. A position became vacant with Ed Little’s resignation.
  7. Scott also announced an Open House/Fundraiser for the LAX Democratic Club, Tuesday, June 17, 6:30 pm. They will be showing “Inequality for All.” $10 suggested donation. To be held at the Historic Old Town Musical Hall in El Segundo.
  8. Khin Khin Gyi spoke about the CC 4th of July Fireworks at WLA College. Impact on the dry brush in the Inglewood Hills, Marycrest Manor in case of a fire disaster and fire warnings for those who live on the Culver Crest. No CC fire trucks will be on the premises as this is County property. They will be “standing by.” Fireworks also are polluting. The City pays for $20K of the fireworks. Khin Khin passed around a petition to suspend fireworks in Culver City.
  9. Khin Khin spoke about Tom Williams who will be speaking about Climate Change at the CCDC next month.
  10. Raffle: $32 dollars were raised.

Motion to adjourn moved by Eric, seconded by Darryl Cherness. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary