Upcoming 49th Anniversary of Medicare Events


5686b5c8-e165-408e-92b6-781529d9675b_zps2f676c6f2014 Summer Garden Party, Saturday, July 26 from 3-5pm at the the home of Joan Pirkle Smith. For more details go to www.laborforhealthcare.org and click on “News & Announcements.”





PNHPlogo_zps8936cadcA Garden Party, Sunday, July 27 from 2-5pm at the home of Jan Goodman & Jerry Manpearl. Featured speakers are Michael Hiltzik, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the L.A. Times, and Paul Song, MD, Radiation Oncologist and Executive Chairman of the Courage Campaign. Sponsored by Physicians for a National Health Program-California. Tickets are $49. Or you can make a donation if you cannot attend. For detailed information and to purchase tickets, go to www.pnhpla.eventbrite.com.

