Local bills for consideration


Following are bills by local legislators that the club has a chance to offer support at the April 9th meeting

Holly Mitchell on leginfo:

SB-1010 Cocaine base: penalties. Now amended to be called the California Fair Sentencing Act. includes “crack” under the definition of cocaine, reduces sentences from 3,4,5 years to 2,3,4 years. Allows granting of probation for more offenders. This is featured on Mitchell’s senate website. Should people who get arrested for “crack” continue to get a longer sentence than those that get arrested for cocaine? Holly Mitchell’s SB-1010  aims to make the sentencing equal.

SB-1053 Health care coverage: contraceptives. Requires health care service plan contracts or health insurance policy to provide coverage for all FDA approved contraceptive drugs, devices, and products in each contraceptive category outlined by the FDA, as well as sterilization procedures and contraceptive education and counseling.


Sebastian Ridley-Thomas on leginfo :

AB-2273 Payment of election expenses. Requires state, not county as it existing is, to pay for election cost of any governor declared special election (to fill a vacancy) when the election is not consolidated with a statewide or local election. AB-2273 is a perennial favorite over the last 20 years: It asks the state to reimburse county’s for the cost of Special Elections. The last time counties were reimbursed for a special election was 2008. The Senate match this go round is Torres’ SB 963. An excellent analysis has been done by the house and is available at the link above.

AB-2275 Certified copies of marriage, birth, and death certificates: electronic application. Did you know that you couldn’t apply for a certified copy of a marriage, birth or death certificate online by law? Ridley-Thomas’ AB-2275 is an apparently trivial but helpful bill that allows electronic applications for these services.


SB451/HR1094, The Safeguard Food Exports (SAFE) Act (SAFE) Act: Will ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and the export of horses to other countries to be slaughtered for human consumption. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Congressman Patrick Meehan (R-PA) and Congress women Jan Schakowski (D-IL) are co-sponsoring. Below are links for consideration
