March 2014 Minutes, General Meeting



Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years

General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

  1. Call to Order at 7:15 pm by President Lee Sanders
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – led by Darryl Cherness.
  3. Announcements:
  1. Jim Clarke announced his fundraiser at the Culver Hotel on March 19, 2014.
  2. Juanita Wright, a Culver City resident and her husband Pastor James Wright, at the behest of Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s rep, is hosting a Covered CA workshop on Saturday, March 22 at the Vet’s Bldg, Uruapan Room from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
  3. Lee Sanders reminded folks that next month’s meeting (April) would be primarily focused on endorsements.
  4. Robert Neff wishes to speak on reapportionment and redistricting. He will be scheduled a.s.a.p. after the endorsements meeting.
  5. Christopher Patrick King announced his fundraiser at the Culver Hotel on March 26, 2014. Campaign could use your help writing letters to local papers, help walking precincts or making phone calls.
  6. A. Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at the Rosenberg’s home.
  1. Approval of February 12, 2014 Minutes: moved to approve as corrected – VII: 35 votes to beendorsed.” Amy Cherness is not a guest, but a member in good standing. Although “typos” are not necessary for amendments, Pat misspelled Dave Weisman’s name. My apologies. – Move to approve as corrected by Darryl Cherness, seconded by Tom Camarella; motion passed.
  2. Officer Reports
  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric) Total funds as of February 28, 2014, includes the Installation Luncheon income, are: $ 4,351.31.
  2. Membership (Diane) – 123 paid for 2014. You can now pay your dues online:
  3. Fundraising (David) – Planning a Bingo Night. Made $211 on the raffle at the Installation Luncheon.

Once again John Riordan donated $100 for a raffle! Thank you, John! The person who won the raffle turned around and gave the money to the Club!

  1. Correspondence (Stephen) – Worked on the website. Included the Minutes from 2013 to the present, also posted is who the CCDC endorsed.
  1. Program
  1. Ronnie Jayne spoke about the Cultural Affairs Commission, which she served for 8 years. She introduced Marla Koosed, who has been the Chair of the Cultural Affairs Commission, who spoke aboutre-establishing the basic structure of this Commission to allocate funds, to re-establish two full time positions. Among the concerns she mentioned were: no transparency of this effort; no public art has been maintained in the last two years; historical sites may be in jeopardy due to lack of repairs and maintenance; lack of permanent staff positions, Cultural Affairs is in no single department and its people are reporting to multiple entities; Marla would appreciate the endorsement/signing of a petition to save/restructure this commission. The recommendation with your signatures and letters needs to “flood” (i.e. sent to) City Hall, NOW! The City Manager will offer a budget in May and this effort needs to be accomplished before the budget is submitted. Christopher King moved and Tom Camarella seconded the motion for the Executive Board to write a letter in support of the Cultural Arts Commission to City Hall. Approved.
  2. Michele Sutter of MOVI (Money Out, Voters In) spoke about limits on political campaign spending and that corporations should not have the rights of human beings. Ted Lieu (Sen. District 28) proposed SB 1272, based on LA City’s Proposition C language, but improved, which is the U.S. Constitutional Amendment for campaign funding limits and corporations not having the same rights as human beings (a proposed 28th US Amendment). Co-authors include: State Senator Hanna-Beth Jackson, Assemblymember Das Williams and Assemblymember Bob Wieckowski. Michele was asking for the Club’s help in reaching out to State Sen. Holly Mitchell, Assemblymembers Steven Bradford and Sebastian Ridley-Thomas.
  3. Report about the CADEM Convention. Reporting were Tom Camarella, Ronnie Jayne, Sylvia Moore, Lee Sanders and Pat Levinson: Tom described“Another Democrat Against Fracking” signs that were hoisted in the Convention. Platform highlights included: Anti-Human Trafficking; Support for Light and Heavy Duty Vehicle regulation; immediate moratorium on fracking; reduction of reliance on non-renewable nuclear power (including employment plans for workers affected by plant closures); and support the legalization, regulation and taxation of marijuana; Pat noted the products to boycott from the Koch Bros. products; No endorsement of Secretary of State and Controller; Ronnie described a “Yes” recommendation of 2 Propositions for June: 1) Providing for Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act and 2) State Reimbursement to Local Agencies – Requires local government compliance with laws providing for public access to local government body meetings and records of government officials. Eliminates reimbursement for costs of compliance. Holly Mitchell’s session was about women of color entering the political arena. Sylvia reported on the Voter Trends Panel on voter turnout. PDI representative recommended that we need to identify “Decline to State” voters, who are mostly Latinos. While a plurality lean towards voting Democratic, which he called “Dems+, they think that the State Democratic Party to too conservative. Lee reported on the various speakers at CADEM and those who were dynamic (Daraka Larimore-Hall, who is secretary of CADEM and others). Pat also shared a petition and information about SB 52 the CA DISCLOSE Act, authored by Sen. Mark Leno and Jerry Hill.

Motion to adjourn moved by Tom, seconded by Darryl. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary