Officer Reports
Treasurer’s Report
(Pete Rockwell for Eric Fine):
$6,542.19 was last month’s ending balance.
Membership (Diane Rosenberg)
157 members for the year 2019. Diane will begin accepting dues for the year 2020 starting next month.
New Business
At the November general meeting the Club will choose a five-member nominating committee to nominate new officers for 2020. As per the bylaws, the President will appoint two members of the nominating committee and the other three members will be elected at the November meeting.
The Club will no longer purchase refreshments for the general meetings. Potluck refreshments are welcomed at the general meetings. Please only bring items that are easy to clean up after the meeting.
Endorsements of candidates on the March 3, 2020, ballot will be voted on at the general meeting next month.
A mock election of favorite ice cream flavors is held using ranked choice voting. The two highest vote-getters are Pistachio and Rocky Road ice cream. The purpose of the mock election is to demonstrate ranked choice voting. No ice cream flavor received the 60 percent vote needed for endorsement.
Pete moves that the Club use ranked choice voting for the endorsement of candidates at the November general meeting. Robert Leahy seconds. A vote is cast. The motion passes 17 in favor — 15 against.
State Senator and candidate for Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly Mitchell spoke and answered questions beginning at 8 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 9:29 p.m.