Culver City Democratic Club – 62 Years
General Membership Meeting – Veterans Auditorium Rotunda
Minutes – Wednesday, October 8, 2014
- Call to Order at 7:06 by Sylvia Moore, acting President.
- Pledge of Allegiance – led by Darryl Cherness.
- Approval of September 10, 2014 Minutes. Moved to approve by Margaret Lindgren, seconded by Darryl. Approved.
- Officer Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (as given to Sylvia by Eric Fine) Total funds as of September 30, 2014 were: $2,414.13.
- Membership (Diane Rosenberg) – 168 members paid for 2014. New member Sandy Goldfarb.
- Fundraising (Amy Cherness) – no report at this time.
- Outreach (Sylvia Moore) – There was a suggestion that club members who can, switch to electronic newsletters.
- Correspondence & Legislation: (Stephen Murray) – No report.
- Recommendation that the CCDC donate $50-100 to LACDP for 2104 GOTV (Get Out The Vote) efforts to open a campaign office on the westside. Darryl moved that we send $50 to LACDP for this effort. Seconded by Herb Rosenberg. Approved by voice vote of members.
- Program: Special video introduction by filmmaker Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films. Screening of Koch Brothers Exposed: 2014 Edition. Regina Clemente of Brave New Films, fielded questions from the audience following the showing. She spoke of a new film about to be released, “Overcriminalized,” which exposes how the mentally ill are arrested. They will be viewing “Overcriminalized” on 10-9-14 at 6:30 p.m. at their offices of Brave New World in Culver City. They have a program for educators, called “Brave New Educators.” Suggestion to show the films at the Aero Theatre, Laemmle Theatres, Egyptian Theatre (independent theatres).
- Announcements:
- The Club made $15 on popcorn sales during the film.
- New membership was encouraged!
- Executive Board Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 25, 2014 at the Rosenberg’s home at 10 a.m.
- October 19, 2014, Sunday, Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt Democrat of the Year Awards. From the 54th AD, Sen. Holly Mitchell and the Hon. Jim B. Clarke will be honored. $125/ticket. Early bird (by Sept. 29): $110.
Motion to adjourn this meeting by Darryl. Seconded by Tom Camarella. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Levinson, Recording Secretary