Redevelopment Issues Discussed at our Next Meeting, May 9


by Gregory Valtierra, Newsletter Editor

Culver City Democratic Club will be hosting John Kernick, District Representative for Holly Mitchell’s office, as the speaker at our next General Meeting where we’ll be tackling the changes Culver City faces with the closing of the Redevelopment Agency.

Holly J. Mitchell (D – Culver City), was appointed by Speaker John Perez to a working group specifically to address the needs of cities who will suffer the consequences of the now dissolved redevelopment agency. The working group held meetings in numerous districts across the state, listening to the needs of cities with projects ongoing and took into account their concerns. Additionally, Assembly member Mitchell met with stakeholders of Culver City to address concerns that redevelopment has risen. The working group crafted AB 1585 – Redevelopment, with the lead authors being Speaker Perez and Asm. Mitchell. On May 9th John Kernick, district representative for Assembly member Holly Mitchell, will give an overview of the AB 1585 and its current status as amended by the State Assembly.

Prior to serving as District Representative, John Kernick attended the University of California Los Angeles and graduated with a B.A. in Political Science. During his career as a student he also worked as a teaching assistant and behavior therapist for Kayne-Eras Center located in Culver City. As a behaviorist Mr. Kernick worked with autistic students of all ages, integrating them into public schools while acting as the chief liaison between clients, parent groups, teacher groups, and administrations in LAUSD public and charter schools.

As the District Representative for Assembly member Holly Mitchell, Mr. Kernick has the pleasure of representing her on the West side of the Assembly District. He covers a geographical area that includes most of the district west of La Cienega Blvd., including West LA, Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park, Westwood, Culver City, Palms, Holmbly Hills, Beverly Hill Adjacent, and Mar Vista. John Kernick is also the chief liaison to the California Veterans Administration, UCLA & higher learning institutions, LAUSD and educational institutions, alcohol & drug abuse programs, Employment Development Department, the DMV, and social services including SSI & Aging.

The Culver City Democratic Club General Meeting will be held 7PM Wednesday, May 9, at The Peace Center, 3916 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City.