Resolution on Diablo Canyon Power Plant adopted by the Culver City Democratic Club at the meeting of Feb. 13, 2019


Whereas the Diablo Nuclear Power Plant in California is just 170 miles north of the Los Angeles County line and any mishap or explosion would reach us within hours and create catastrophic and deadly consequences to LA County’s 10 million plus citizens and their property, and

Whereas P G & E has been found guilty in federal court of criminal violations stemming from the completely avoidable 2010 gas explosion and fire that killed eight (8) people in San Bruno, due to deferred maintenance and operational negligence and has been linked to 17 or more completely avoidable fires in 2017 and 2018 in northern California causing more than 80 deaths, the destruction of more than 10,000 buildings and as recently as February 8, 2019, badly maintained PG&E gas lines caused an explosion in San Francisco that destroyed five (5) buildings, which is being widely criticized for deferred maintenance, slow response time and more, and

Whereas PG&E is currently under criminal probation and in bankruptcy as a consequence of the violations and criminal negligence, and its reactor Unit One is in shut-down mode for refueling, tests for safety can be easily and cost-effectively performed within this less than 10 day open window (which hasn’t been done since 2003) and since the public trust and confidence needs to be restored,

THEREFORE, be it resolved that because PG&E is under criminal probation, and in bankruptcy, the Governor, the Legislature, the bankruptcy court, the company’s parole office, the CPUC, all relevant state agencies and the public must make refueling contingent uponsubjecting the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant to a wide range of independent inspections to the plant’s 1) embrittlement, 2) cracks, 3) earthquake vulnerabilities, 4) deferred maintenance, 5) radioactive waste containment/disposal, and 6) competency of this bankrupt, criminally convicted company to safely manage the two very large reactors, the state must hold public hearings involving all the above issues before PG&E inserts new fuel into the core at Unit One.  

Be it further resolved, that the Culver City Democratic Club calls on other organizations, communities, and jurisdictions to join with us in this resolution by passing ASAP similar resolutions, and a copy of this resolution will be sent to the California Congressional delegation, state elected officials, the Governor and all constitutional officers.