Resolution Supporting Direct Housing


The following resolution was submitted by Club member Mark Lipman and approved by the membership at our December 2021 meeting.

Resolution Supporting Direct Housing Pilot Program In Culver City

Whereas Homelessness is a major social and humanitarian crisis in the country, state and city today;
Whereas successful models for ending homelessness have been demonstrated from New York to Utah to California using the proven method of the Housing First approach;
Whereas since 2016, Housing First has been state law in California and the mandated approach to addressing homelessness for every jurisdiction in the state;
Whereas “Scattered Site” or “Direct Housing” has been an integral part and the “best practice” of implementing every successful Housing First program;
Whereas following these “best practices” the Advisory Committee on Housing and Homelessness has developed and unanimously approved a Direct Housing pilot program on November 16, 2021 to send to the Culver City City Council for consideration and adoption; and Whereas the City of Los Angeles is currently developing a parallel program, the Housing Now program, giving us a regional partner in this approach to ending homelessness;
therefore be it Resolved, that the Culver City Democratic Club endorses the Direct Housing program developed by ACOHH and recommends to the Culver City City Council to approve this program to be implemented and included in the city’s 2022/2023 budget cycle;
and be it further Resolved, that the Culver City Democratic Club recommend to our County and State representatives (Holly Mitchell, Isaac Bryan, Sydney Kamlager) to work with Culver City in their representative capacity to help expand and fund this program into the future.